Cloth Diapering

I hate sposies.

DS looked like he might have a tiny bit of a yeast infection this afternoon. I have size 3 disposables I got for my baby shower, so I figured I'd just put one on him with the nystatin. I just took it off of him, and the rash has spread ALL over.

Stupid disposable diapers. I've successfully treated yeast in cloth once before, and I'll do it again now. I should've known better!

I seriously don't know how people can stand disposables.

Re: I hate sposies.

  • sposies suck.  Blech.
    We said "I Do" on 9/27/2008!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • DS is in disposables for the next 6 weeks at his temp daycare. He's already run out of outfits due to blow-outs. I hate them, too. Counting down the days until he's back in cloth FT!
    Mom to J (10), L (4), and baby #3 arriving in July of 2015
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