I went today for my ultrasound and they told me that I am good to go. She told me that I have 6 follies on one ovary and 4 on the other, now I have no clue what size they were and such but she did say that it was great, and that is without the stims. So I am trying to stay positive. I will begin the Follistim and the Menopur tonight with my next ultrasound on Saturday.
I also had to pay my first deposit, OUCH, that one hurt. We are all OOP. I am feeling real positive but so nervous at the same time b/c there is no more money to do this again anytime soon. PLEASE WORK
ME- 35 DH- 40
TTC #1
IVF#1 w ICSI- 4/20/11 ER, 6 Eggs, 4 Fertilized, 4/25/11 5 day ET, 2 blasts- 5/4- Beta= BFN- No Frosties
IVF #2 w ICSI-6/21/11 ER, 4 Eggs, 2 Fertilized, 6/24/11 3 day ET 2 embryos- Beta 7/5/11- BFN- No frosties.
IUI #1- started 50ius of follistim 1/25, IUI 2/3/12 - BFN
AMH-0.73- DOR 2/2012
IUI #2- 3/17/12 started 200ius of Follistim , 3/24/12 added ganirelix, 225ius Follistim and 75ius of repronex, IUI- 3/30/12, Beta April 13, 2012-BFN
Appointment with Dr. Schoolcraft at CCRM July 18, 2012
AMH tested again 1/2013- 1.4!!!!
IUI #3- 1/14/13 started 200ius of Follistim, 1/20/13 added menopur and ganirelix, IUI 1/25/13. Positive HPT 2/6/13- Beta #1- 193- BFP!!! 2/8/13-Beta#2-426.6
2/26 ultrasound #1- TWINS!
Delivered a healthy beautiful baby boy on 10/17/13 10ls. 2 ounces
TTC #2
IUI #4 cancelled due to only one egg responding
IUI#5 cancelled on CD 10, (3) follicules were still very small even on 300 IU's of Follistim. Also found fluid in my uterus from C-section scar
BFP- 8/9/15
Beta #1 8/10/15 13DPO- 9.2 (fingers crossed this sticks)
Beta #2 8/12/15 15DPO 39- progesterone 18
Beta #3 8/14/15 111- progesterone 17.5
Ultrasound August 31-
PAIF or SAIF Welcome
Re: Got the go to start the Stims!
We're on the same ivf calendar almost! I go in for my suppression check tomorrow and prob start stims tomorrow or Friday.
BEST OF LUCK to you hon!
1/11: IUI #2 = 5mg Femara + trigger + IUI = BFN
2/11: IUI #3 = injectibles + trigger + IUI = BFN
IVF #1 April 2011 ER 4/23 w/16 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fert., 4 blasts to freeze, 5dt of 2 blasts on 4/28, beta #1 5/7 = 243... beta #2 5/9 = 491....beta #3 5/11 = 1113!!
my blog
How exciting, I love having a buddy. Best of luck to you tomorrow!!!
TTC #1
IVF #2 w ICSI-6/21/11 ER, 4 Eggs, 2 Fertilized, 6/24/11 3 day ET 2 embryos- Beta 7/5/11- BFN- No frosties.
IUI #1- started 50ius of follistim 1/25, IUI 2/3/12 - BFN
AMH-0.73- DOR 2/2012
IUI #2- 3/17/12 started 200ius of Follistim , 3/24/12 added ganirelix, 225ius Follistim and 75ius of repronex, IUI- 3/30/12, Beta April 13, 2012-BFN
Appointment with Dr. Schoolcraft at CCRM July 18, 2012
AMH tested again 1/2013- 1.4!!!!
IUI #3- 1/14/13 started 200ius of Follistim, 1/20/13 added menopur and ganirelix, IUI 1/25/13. Positive HPT 2/6/13- Beta #1- 193- BFP!!! 2/8/13-Beta#2-426.6
2/26 ultrasound #1- TWINS!
Delivered a healthy beautiful baby boy on 10/17/13 10ls. 2 ounces
IUI #4 cancelled due to only one egg responding
PAIF or SAIF Welcome
me 33/DH 36
ttc since 10/2008; d/x: mild MFI, stageII endo
~~PAIF/SAIF Welcome~~
11 IUI’s = 1 m/c (7w4d)
IVF#1 January 2012 BFN, FET #1 April 2012 BFN
Surprise BFP October 2012 m/c (7w), Surprise BFP April 2013 m/c (6w4d)
IVF #2: July 2013, ET 1 embryo 7/18, beta 1 @ 14dp3dt - 757, beta 2 @ 16dp3dt - 1762
U/S 1 @ 6w4d = 1 little frogger with HB of 118, U/S 2 @ 7w3d measuring right on track with HB of 160
Stick Frogger Stick! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a Girl, EDD April 7, 2014
TTC since November 2008; me - poor egg quality,hypothyroidism,missing beta 3 integrin;
DH - some MFI;
1 month clomid plus timing - BFN;
3 months clomid + IUI - BFN BFN BFN
IVF #1 Nov/Dec 2009 - BFP - c/p;
IVF #2.1 Jan 2011 - Converted to IUI - BFN;
IVF #2.2 March/April 2011 - ER 3/23/11: 12 retrieved, 8 mature, 3 fert-ET 3dt 3/26/11: 3 embies - BFN;
IVF #3 May 2011 - ER 5/19/11: 20 retrieved, 10 mature, 9 fert-ET 5dt 5/24/11 3 embies - BFN;
Switched RE's for IVF #4 (CCRM) Oct 2011 - Surprise BFP before starting IVF #4!
Best of luck to you!
2/10 & 3/10 Clomid 50mg-BFN
5/10-Lap Surgery for Stage 2 Endo
3/11-IUI#1 with Follistim and Menopur-developed mild OHSS= BFN
6/11-IUI#2 with Follistim -developed moderate OHSS= BFN!
7/11-FSH-11, AMH 1.6
9/11-ttc naturally with positive thoughts
10/6/11-POSITIVE pregnancy test!!! 15dpo BETA-220
6/14/2012- Riley Harper arrived!! We love our little girl
<a href="http://s532.photobucket.com/albums/ee324/exploshidad/?action=view
Two C/P and Lots of Tests
Me = LPD + cancer survivor, DH = low count and morphology
IUIs #1-5, January 2011 - June 2011 = BFN
IVF #1 in July/August 2011 = BFP!!!!!
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."
1/11: IUI #2 = 5mg Femara + trigger + IUI = BFN
2/11: IUI #3 = injectibles + trigger + IUI = BFN
IVF #1 April 2011 ER 4/23 w/16 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fert., 4 blasts to freeze, 5dt of 2 blasts on 4/28, beta #1 5/7 = 243... beta #2 5/9 = 491....beta #3 5/11 = 1113!!
my blog