Baby Names

The Short-ish List

We have our short list. Would love feedback!

BOY (mn will be Joseph for DH or John for FIL and my dad's mn)




GIRL (mn option is Simone for Mother's maiden name)



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Re: The Short-ish List

  • Julian like

    Sawyer- HATE!

    Miles is ok

    cecilia - like

    Violet- eh


    Liliana- love love

  • NannaNanna member
    The only boy name I like is Sawyer.  I'd take Grace off your list because it sounds really awkward with Simone when the two names are said together.  There's also a lot of alliteration when Cecilia Simone is said together, but that wouldn't be a deal breaker for me - just something to consider.
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  • LMS05LMS05 member
    Grace is my favorite. I think it's such a pretty name! Violet is also very pretty. Liliana is nice. Miles is okay. Not a fan of the rest. 
  • LOVE Julian, Miles, Cecilia, Grace, and Violet.

    So really, most of them.

    If I had to pick favorites....Julian and Violet (was going to say Cecilia, but Cecilia Simone is kind of a mouthful).

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  • Thank you! Sawyer is def a love it or hate it kind of name. What about Cecilia Grace or Grace Cecilia? Cecilia was my gm's mn so that could be an option.

    I def need to take Liliana off the list. My last name begins with NA...too hard.

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  • I like Miles and Sawyer for boys

    Violet is my girl choice so i like that best 

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  • For a boy, I really only like Miles on your list.

    For a girl, I love Cecilia, Grace and Violet.

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  • Miles

    Girls are all great, but I like Cecilia most because you don't hear it as often as the others.

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  • My faves are Julian & Grace.
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  • I like Julian but your other boys names are NMS. I love your girl names although I agree with the others that Cecilia Simone might be a bit too much.

    I am not that biggest fan of Grace but for some reason, I really like Grace Cecelia! 

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  • I like Sawyer and Grace.  

    I have a cat named Sawyer, so I guess I can't add it to my list of possibilities. ;) 


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  • Boys: I love Julian, but not with Joseph or John. I also like Miles. I'm on the fence about Sawyer because girls are starting to take over this name.

    Girls: Cecilia is my favorite - Cecilia Grace gets a huge Yes from me. Liliana Simone is also pretty

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  • I like Miles Joseph.  I strongly dislike Sawyer, and I don't think Julian Joseph flows very well.

    I love Liliana.  Violet is okay.  I also love the name Cecilia, but I don't like the way Cecilia Simone's a mouthful and difficult to say.

  • i really like julian, but i don't think it will flow well with your middle name options.  i don't prefer the other first name options.

    liliana simone.

  • I like Sawyer and Grace the best.
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  • Thanks!!! Loving the feedback! I love them all. DH is now on the fence with Violet and Cecilia as 1st names. So much for the short-ish list...we have lots of time to figure it out Wink

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  • I love Julian.  Miles and Sawyer are ok.

    I like Violet, not really a fan of the other 3 girl names.

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  • I don?t like any of the boy names

    But I like Grace and Violet

  • Miles.


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  • I like Julian.  I dislike Cecilia.
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  • Love Miles and Cecilia.
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  • I love all your girl names! I don't mind Julian or Miles, but I'm not a fan of Sawyer.
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  • I like all of your boy names and the only girl name I could cut is Liliana.
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