Cloth Diapering

Boiling prefolds

I want to boil my prefolds for faster prep. I have 35 white indian cotton prefolds. So do I just bring a pot of water to boil and boil for 30 mins? Will this be all I have to do or do I wash them after with a safe detergent?

Im probably making this way harder than it needs to be but I don't want to screw anything up..


TTC since 12/ 06: H/Azoospermia Ivf#1 BFP m/c 5w3d FET#1 c/p FET# 2 BFN IVF#2 BFFN IVF#3 March/April

Re: Boiling prefolds

  • Yes, you can boil them but 35 is a lot to do at once.  You want enough water for them to move fairly freely to help get the oils out.  Once they're boiled, I'd wash once the way I was planning to wash diapers (minus the first cold rinse, since there's no BM to remove).  For 35, though, it might be worth it to me to prep in the washer.  That's going to be a lot of pots of water of the stove.
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