
Where to start country research?

Hi all! ?My husband floored me last night by saying he would really like to give our son a little brother or sister someday. ?I almost fell out of my seat. ?I had a hysterectomy for medical reasons, and since then DH has said he is happy with having only one baby. ?I am an only child and really wanted to give my son a sibling. ?I was absolutely shocked when DH brought it up himself last night. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

Anyway, what is a good source to begin researching countries / programs? ?We are not ready to start working with an agency yet. ?I just want to get an idea of potential countries and start doing some preliminary research.


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Re: Where to start country research?

  • We adopted domestically, so I don't have any advice for any other countries.  But I'd suggest doing some reading and learning more about some programs to find the one that is best for you.


    good luck!

  • is wonderful.  I started there, and just posted in the different sections under each country I was interested in ... post away here too...let us know what you are interested in, most of us have done a lot of research on different programs and can possibly give you a few countries to look into!

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  • I like the US Department of State's website ( as a place to get started.  It lists the requirements to adopt from each country.

    Good luck, and welcome to the board!  Let us know if there's anything else we can answer for you!

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