Mine is sleeping with the vaporizer in the room tonight because he's sick. DS had a chesty cough last week with a slight fever. He got over it! Today I took DD to the doc for what turned out to be a double ear infection and they gave us a breathing treatment machine. DH does have a cough, but with DD's diagnosis he's suddenly about to admit himself to the hospital or something. When he told me he was going to run the humifier all night I barely held back the laughter. I'll admit, I'm not overly compassionate when he's sick because he's soooo dramatic. He doesn't even notice when I'm sick...because I'm the mom!
Christmas 2009

Re: you think YOUR dh is a baby?
We have all had a stomach bug in our house for the past few days. DS1 and I had it on sunday. We camped out all day together upstairs. While I was sick, I was cleaning up after him. DH got it last night. He has not gotten out of bed since 10:30 last night. I had to clean both bathrooms when I got home tonight. He was so sick, he could "barely make it to the bathroom" Really, you are almost 40 years old and it was less work to clean up after your 3 year old son. When I asked him how he missed the toilet in both bathrooms, he just looked at me and I laughed. He is now mad at me because I find him being sick funny. No, being sick is not funny. The fact that you are almost 40 and you could not make it to the toilet before pooping or puking is ridiculous...so ridiculous I laughed at him. Men are such babies. He was annoyed that i was in bed all day sunday. I managed to get up and go to work yesterday so I can save my sick time for the kids. He called out today and tomorrow. Grow the f up!!!!
Sorry to hijack your post, but I had to vent!!!!!!
I don't think it's a big deal either.
Me either.
quote abuse! and ditto. And yes, mine's a big whiney baby.