I've basically been having consistent contractions since 3:30 AM Sunday night (after having irrregular contractions for 3 days prior to that). The first 24 hours were 10-15 minutes apart and not very painful yet, so I even taught school yesterday. Last night, they started getting closer together and increasing in intensity until they were 4-5 minutes apart from 4-6:30 this morning. We got all ready to head to the hospital, but shortly after that they started to slow down again. I called my dr.'s office when they opened and went in (by that point they were about 15 min. apart again and less intense). I was dilated to a little over 2 cm, 80-90% effaced, and the head is much lower than it was last week. She said real labor doesn't slow down, so I guess what I was having was fake. WTF? I didn't think it was possible to have fake labor at 40 weeks 3 days.
Because my dr. is going out of town on Saturday, we decided to go ahead and schedule an induction for 7 AM tomorrow. She thinks I have a great chance of success with induction at this point, and I trust her more than I trust the dr. that delivered DD#1. I'm still having contractions, so hopefully this little girl will decide to come on her own before then. The end is in sight!! YAY!!
Re: Baby is almost here...(a little long)
GL! I hope you go back into labor before the induction, though. I didn't enjoy being induced, but I know everyone is different and other people do just fine.
If it's okay for me to ask...any reason why they want to induce tomorrow instead of say, late Thursday or Friday? Everything I've read says the easiest labor you'll have is the one your body/baby begins on its own.
But, I can see how you're feeling ready for the baby to be here after a few days of prodromal labor and may welcome the induction. To each her own.
Keep us posted!
I've been having what they call "prodromal labor" on and off since last Thursday (though definitely OFF for the past two days). Look it up online and see if maybe it sheds some light on your situation! GOOD LUCK!