I was at the hospital today with the twins for their PT... a woman came up to me and asked if they were twins to which I replied "yes".. she said "they don't look like twins because one is bigger than the other" ??? I told her my DD was 3 lbs 6 oz at birth and my DS was 4 lbs 4 oz.. she said "that's GREAT! you don't need them to grow big while you're pregnant.. they can grow bigger and stronger on the outside" what the hek?! my twins early arrival cost us NICU time amongst other complications :-(( what is wrong with people!? that comment really rubbed me the wrong way because while the babies lay in their isolettes, I remember thinking to myself, if I were still pregnant, they wouldn't need all these wires, tubes, intervention, etc... ((sigh)) just thought I'd share!
Re: comment of the day
Well thats just silly of her to say that. Some people don't think before they talk. I mean obviously she has never had any sort of experience with preemies or else she would have known that was the wrong thing to say.
I had a follow up eye exam with my twins and the doctor himself said something that I can not forget. He asked how preemature they were and when I said 29 weeks he said "Oh thats not that bad" REally? I mean yea it could have been worse but to me happening at that moment it WAS that bad.
My twins Benjamin and Olivia
I had someone at the store ask if I was sure that she was mine. WTF?! I had an emergency c-section, so YES SHE IS MINE! People are so dumb sometimes!
I use to get really hurt and angry about stupid comments, but now I'm trying to tell myself that people mean well and don't realize how hurtful what they say is. Some days I'm good at letting it go and other days I educate them about how hurtful and uninformed their comment was.
In my perfect world people wouldn't try to speak of subjects and experiences they know nothing about.