I'm super bad at keeping track of what we pay on monthly bills. I just get the bill and blindly pay for it. After years of paying $90/month for our land line and phone services we don't use (since we mostly use our cells) I just called and cancelled a bunch of it. I only kept basic stuff and internet. So our bill went from $90 to $35! I wish I'd done that years ago! Hmmm, what else can I axe this afternoon in a quest to save $?
Re: Sweet. Just saved $50/month on phone bill.
I know, I love when I reduce a montly bill too. Now if only cable would come down!
Your girls are gorgeous, btw! And congrats on #3!
Me with my littlest.
I have a dirty little secret about our cable. When we moved into our house 5 years ago, it was already connected. We don't get a bill. They just forgot to shut it off when the previous owners left. So my cable is free:) I sweat whenever I see the cable guys around the neighborhood though. I'm afraid they're going to cut it off!
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo