
Concerned over milestones

Did you find that your multiples met developmental milestones late?  My boys are 5 months old (born at 36 weeks) and they don't even seem close to rolling over. I'm trying not to compare but it seems that other babies their age are sitting up better, playing with more advanced toys, etc. 

Is this common with multiples or something that I should be concerned over?

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Congratulations to my girl AmberZ! So happy for you!

Re: Concerned over milestones

  • I haven't had my triplets yet but I've been told by both my high risk Dr and my RE that preemies are usually slower to meet milestones but by the time they are older (can't remember the exact age but over 1) they tend to catch up. Plus, all babies are different, my cousin never crawled which was a concern for my aunt and uncle. However, as soon as she started walking (around the typical age toddlers start walking) she couldn't be stopped.
  • cadencaden member
    I have no idea how common it is but I just posted yesterday that my boys are behind. It stresses me out but I'm trying not to worry. (Trying being the key word ; ))
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  • my boys were at term and 2 of them were late rollers... milestones have a HUGE range of "normal" so really try not to stress about it. IF your pedi gets concerned, then you can, too... otherwise, just give them time.

    i started to get worried about Gibby at 6mo when he wasn't rolling... asked the pedi when i should get concerned- he  said, jokingly "at 2y/o"... because he knew that he'd do it soon and there was no reason to stress... sure enough - THE NEXT DAY he did it.


    I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
  • imageUsedToBeGoldie:

    milestones have a HUGE range of "normal" so really try not to stress about it. IF your pedi gets concerned, then you can, too... otherwise, just give them time.

    This. And it's hard not to compare, but try to remember that other (full-term) 5 month olds had a few more weeks of "cooking time" than your LOs.  Mine were born at 35 weeks, and I would always mentally age-adjust for them (not as much anymore) just to level the playing field a little.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Thanks ladies!  I just hate that my boys are behind. I feel like I'm doing something wrong.  I need to stop comparing and hopefully things will just happen when they happen.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Congratulations to my girl AmberZ! So happy for you!
  • My girls are 5 months old and can roll from tummy to back and are close to rolling back to tummy, but lately they just chill on their back and don't even try to roll.  If I sit them up they can sit unassisted for about 10-20 secs.  They are behind where my older DD was at this point cause she was rolling around like crazy at 5 months.  Am I worried?  No cause I know all babies develop differently.  My older DD crawled at 7.5 months and was also pulling herself to stand right about the time and could sit herself up too.  My nephew is 11 months old and just started crawling last week.  So I have seen how they develop differently.  I know its hard to not compare though.

  • I agree with pp to try not to worry about it (although I know it's hard)!  I feel like my girls are a bit behind others their age - neither of them are walking and one just started crawling on all 4s instead of the army crawl a few weeks ago.  I just tell myself not to go on the age boards too much because it seems like everyone there has a kid who is walking at 9 months :) 

    ETA - I just checked my late crawler's baby book and she didn't roll front to back until after she turned 6 months.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Are you worried that they are just going to be late in doing these things or worried that they will never in their life be able to roll over. I think if that was the case you would be able to tell something was wrong by now. My kids didnt roll over until well after they were crawling. It was very strange because they would be crawling and starting to pull themselves up and if they would fall over on their back they couldnt get up.  They were preemies too but 29 weeks.  And even then I think their rolling over came way late. I wanna say 9 months or so which even adjusted is not right.  They are doing it now thought just fine.  I wouldnt worry too much. I'm sure they will do it at their own time.



    My twins Benjamin and Olivia



  • cadencaden member

    Thanks ladies!  I just hate that my boys are behind. I feel like I'm doing something wrong.  I need to stop comparing and hopefully things will just happen when they happen.

    I hate it too and I also blame myself. I sometimes think about whether or not I should send them to daycare so a professional can deal with getting my two to do things. : (

    I really need to get a better perspective.

  • Don't blame yourself. I send mine to daycare three days a week and to my MIL's two days a week and MIL sees them on the weekends occassionally, and they still are a bit behind, but I'm not overly worried. MIL has a Ph.D. in early childhood development, ran a daycare center, and was a teacher for 20+ years. She works with them on their skills all day long (in a fun way), and they are still developing at their own pace. The only thing that really improved when I sent them to daycare was tummy time but that's b/c the DCP and MIL weren't as lazy as I was about doing it.
  • Hudson and Landry were born at 35 wks.  They are just now starting to sit up on their own and today, for the first time, I thought to myself that they are *starting* to look like they are about on the track with their peers.

    Don't expect to much out of a 5 month old baby.  There is such a broad range of "normal".

    My singleton didn't walk until she was 14.5 months old and still isn't potty trained and she will be three on Thursday.

    Give them will all come.  Just enjoy them.  : )  It goes by way, way, way to fast to worry about it.



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