
If You Are Doing Private Domestic Adoption-Come on in

Can anyone recommend your attorney?  NYC and LI.

I have a referral for two and called them both.  One I like better than the other.

I would like to investigate a few more.


Re: If You Are Doing Private Domestic Adoption-Come on in

  • If you haven't done so already, you might check out members of the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys: 

    TTC'd unsuccessfully from 2004-2010 Adopted our beautiful baby girl in December 2010!! Currently matched for second adoption
  • Btw, I mention this organization, because membership is considered an honor.  Our adoption attorney is a past president, and he's served us well and ethically!
    TTC'd unsuccessfully from 2004-2010 Adopted our beautiful baby girl in December 2010!! Currently matched for second adoption
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