If I understand correctly, an 18mm follie is considered "mature" enough to fertilize. But how mature (big) is "too mature"? If I don't O until Thursday, my big follie will be 29-32mms, which seems gigantic. At that point, my only hope would be that the 14mm got to 18mms, right?
Jenna's Already Thinking Too Much
Re: Too mature to fertilize?
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
Honesly, according to my RE, that 26 one is probably too big for someone taking femara. They triggered a 26 for me, and told me later that it was already likely too big. The next time (last month's IUI), they triggered me with a 24 and thought that was good but borderline. Now, if it's too big to fertilize or if it's just less likely, I don't know. And I'm certainly no MD, just relaying what they told me, for me, and if you aren't triggering, I'm not sure how that changes things.
You still have time for your 14s to get bigger, though. I think they said 18 is mature for femara, so in 2 days you'd likely be there with 2 nice follies.
Again, I don't know, I'm not a doc, but the 26 does sound big, for femara, for my personal circumstances according to my RE, but it could totally be different for you.
Hang in there!
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
Miracle DD born 12.2005
TTC #2 since Dec 2008 w/ PCOS
***P/SAIF Always Welcome***
Keep it Natural, Baby!