
BCP question

How long does it take for BCP to get out of your system once you go off the pill?

My OB/GYN says it okay to try to get pregnant right away but I would rather wait until I know it is out of my system.


Re: BCP question

  • There's really no reason to wait. There are no health risks on getting pregnant right away. 
  • I've heard of people waiting a couple of months to get it out of their system, but that's no necessary.  The pill won't harm anything.
    Momma to 2 sweet boys!

    Lost 65 lbs. on WW 2009-2010
    May 7, 2011-First 5k run (a horrendous 13:30 pace, but I finished!)
    June 4, 2011-2nd 5k run with an 11:15 pace
    Haven't signed up for the next one yet!
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  • It is out of your system quickly, and people get pregnant on the pill and have no problems. The reason they often tell you to wait is to see what your cycle is like when not regulated, so that they can better date the pregnancy.  The pill gives you a 28 day cycle, but many dont have that naturally. I have heard that the liklihood of getting pregnant is greater when you are just off the pill, but not sure if that is true. 
  • If you want to be pg, I wouldn't wait. We got pg the 1st month of BCP with my DD. She is just fine. GL!
  • Since most of the pills are such a low dose, they are out of your system as soon as you stop taking them. 
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