Cloth Diapering

Feedback on these inserts

Oscar born October 2011

Miscarriage at 8 weeks (August 2013)

DD due September 1, 2014

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Feedback on these inserts

  • I would question the absorbency. Sounds like there is a stay-dry (non-absorbent) layer, 4 layers of upcycled cotton, and 1 layer of flannel or jersey, so a total of five absorbent layers. It's hard to say without knowing exactly what the upcycled cotton is... but I would guess it's flannel or jersey, too. Five layers of that type of material is NOT a lot, especially if you're looking to use these on their own as inserts in pocket diapers (as opposed to lay-in inserts for fitteds.)

    Also, the one soaker I made that is actually six layers of jersey holds on to stink like none other. I think because there are so many layers that it's hard for them all to get clean. Now I usually make my soakers with three layers of fabric, but I make them twice as long. So I can fold them over in the diaper to get six layers of absorbency, but then unfold them so they get clean during washing.

    Finally, I'm confused about the "stay dry" layer. Fleece is stay dry, but it needs to be really thin (microfleece) to allow moisture to pass through to the absorbent layers. Otherwise, it will repel -- NOT good for an insert! I suppose if that happens, you could always flip the insert over, so that the flannel/jersey side was closest to baby. The other two materials mentioned (sherpa and terry) are not stay dry. Actually, they are absorbent, so that would up the overall absorbency of the insert.

    From a brand-new seller, advertising these as perfect for overnights/heavy wetters? I'd pass. I don't think she knows what she's talking about.

    Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)

  • Thank you! I have no idea about this stuff so all of that info was very helpful.

    Oscar born October 2011

    Miscarriage at 8 weeks (August 2013)

    DD due September 1, 2014

    BabyFruit Ticker

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