
IUI # 5 Check-in....

Went to the Dr yesterday and this AM, confirmed 2 follicles on the left side (which is good because only the left tube is clear), got my Ovidrel shots and we are scheduled for IUI tomorrow AM.

 Keeping our fingers crossed ! Thx for the support ladies !

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers 5/10/09 Married TTC 4/26/10 1st Apt @ Fertility Clinic 7/4/10 IUI #1 (clomid & ovidrel) 7/16/10 BFP 7/18/10 Ectopic Pregnancy 8/2/10 HSG : Unicornuate Uterus + only left tube is clear 8/13/10 MRI#1 Confirmed right ovary not fully developed 8/24/10 MRI#2 Confirmed 2 kidneys 10/28/10 IUI #2 (clomid & ovidrel) 11/9/10 BFN + AF 11/21/10 IUI #3 (clomid & ovidrel) 12/5/10 BFP 1/5/11 confirmed no heartbeat 1/11/11 D&C 2/21/11 Saline Sonogram - cleared to try again 3/11/11 IUI #4 (clomid & ovidrel) 3/25/11 BFN 4/5/11 IUI # 5 (clomid & ovidrel) 4/20/11 BFN + AF Taking a break.... 5/17/11 trying again... IUI # 6, Clomid day 1

Re: IUI # 5 Check-in....

  • Yay!  Good luck!
    TTC since November 2009
    Mild MFI, irregular cycles, HSG only showed left tube open
    IUIs #1-3: Femara -- BFN
    IUI #4: Follistim + HCG boosters -- BFN
    Sept./Oct. 2011 IVF#1: Long Lupron, 3dt of 2 -- BFN + 1 frostie
    Surprise BFP 11.21.2011: missed m/c at 9w2d, D&C 12.27.2011
    The Blog
  • Hey me too! This is my 4th IUI. What size were your follies. I am still waiting for the call to see if we will trigger tonight. I think we will, we had 3 ranging from 15-18 she said.


    Good luck! Hope the 5th time is the charm for you. :)

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  • Good luck this cycle!!
    IUIs #1-3 (1x unmedicated, 2x Clomid) = 2 BFNs, 1 m/c at 7w3d
    IUIs #4-6 (injects) = 3 BFNs
    IVF #1 = BFN
    FET #1 = BFN
    FET #2 = BFN
    IVF #2 = BFP, b/g twins lost at 20w due to partial abruption/PPROM
    IVF #3 = c/p 5w2d
    Long-shot Clomid/Prednisone cycle before next IVF = BFP, our beautiful, healthy girl born 6/26/13!
    TTC again March 2014
    FET #3 - May/June 2014
    all embryos arrested before xfer - back to the drawing board...
    IVF #4 - July/August 2014 
    beta 1 (11dp3dt) 220, beta 2 (13dp3dt) 671, beta 3 (19dp3dt) 10762
  • awesome....Good luck!
    TTC since 11/2009
    11/2010 DH SA good...01/2011 HSG is clear...01/2011 Consult with RE
    suprise BFP but m/c on 2/7/11
    03/2011 50 mg clomid=BFN
    04/2011 clomid+bromocriptine+IUI=BFP at 11dpiui
    Beta #1(11dpiui)=33, Beta #2 (13dpiui)=96, Beta #3 (20dpiui)=1910, Beta #4 (26dpiui)=20,134
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Loads of luck!
    TTC since 11/09
    Two C/P and Lots of Tests
    Me = LPD + cancer survivor, DH = low count and morphology
    IUIs #1-5, January 2011 - June 2011 = BFN
    IVF #1 in July/August 2011 = BFP!!!!!

    BabyFetus Ticker
    "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."
  • Fingers crossed!  Good luck!
    image Started TTC 11/07 BFP 09/24/08 Miscarriage 09/30/08 First cycle of clomid August 09 Second cycle of clomid September 09 BFP 09/30/09 Miscarriage 10/10/09 Three more rounds of clomid and no success Diagnosed with Unexplained Infertility Abnormal Bleeding for 3 months resulted in D&C but results were normal November 2010 100mg clomid but didn't respond December 2010 forced break for a cyst February 2011 150mg clomid but still no response March 2011 250mg clomid and responded! Ovidrel trigger shot and IUI on March 31 Beta #1 11dpo: 27 Beta #2 15dpo: 85 Beta #3 18dpo 276 Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • GL!!!
    Don't worry about tomorrow. After all, today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday. Take each day as it at a time. Midnight Baking Adventures Blog
  • Thank you all ! we are very excited !
    Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers 5/10/09 Married TTC 4/26/10 1st Apt @ Fertility Clinic 7/4/10 IUI #1 (clomid & ovidrel) 7/16/10 BFP 7/18/10 Ectopic Pregnancy 8/2/10 HSG : Unicornuate Uterus + only left tube is clear 8/13/10 MRI#1 Confirmed right ovary not fully developed 8/24/10 MRI#2 Confirmed 2 kidneys 10/28/10 IUI #2 (clomid & ovidrel) 11/9/10 BFN + AF 11/21/10 IUI #3 (clomid & ovidrel) 12/5/10 BFP 1/5/11 confirmed no heartbeat 1/11/11 D&C 2/21/11 Saline Sonogram - cleared to try again 3/11/11 IUI #4 (clomid & ovidrel) 3/25/11 BFN 4/5/11 IUI # 5 (clomid & ovidrel) 4/20/11 BFN + AF Taking a break.... 5/17/11 trying again... IUI # 6, Clomid day 1
  • Best of luck tomorrow!
    SAIF and PAIF Always Welcome
    07/14/97 - Stillborn twins at 22 weeks
    12/20/99 - Miscarriage #1 - 11 wks 4 days laproscopic surgery due to rupture of tube
    07/01/01 - Divorced
    05/30/09 - Re-married to a wonderful man!
    11/11/09 - Miscarriage #2 - 10 wks 3 days, D&C
    Dx: Unexplained
    07/30/10 - 10/19/10 - IUI #1 - IUI #4 clomid cd2-6 + premarin cd7-13 + HCG Trigger=BFFN's
    11/10/10 - IVF #1 Start stims ER#1 11/22, ER #2 11/24, ET 11/29=BFFN
    03/14/11 - IVF #2 start stims, ER-03/26/11, ET-03/31/11, beta 04/08/11 = BFFN
    05/16/11 - Hail Mary Cycle - Inj+TI =BFP!! 06/08/11 Beta #1 71.8, 06/10/11 Beta #2 201, U/S 6/20-1 sac. U/S 6/28 sac and hb of 118!!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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