Ok so a quick background.. I had a super easy first year. My guys were happy go lucky all day. They turned a year on march 8th, and
boom everything changed! They scream their heads off when I leave the
room, they wake up earlier, and if I take something away (like a remote)
one with throw a mini tantrum. He will look at me, scream, and kick his
legs. Is this normal? is it a phase? and WILL IT PASS?????
Re: help with my 1 yr olds- XP
i have always said, to me the hardest age is 12mo-20mo.... they can do a lot- but don't understand everything well, and can't express that well -and are not that stable on their feet so everything is SUCH a danger.
it was hard at that age with just ONE child- with the twins = even crazier... thankfully they are 22mo now and getting easier again.
ignore tantrums (as long as they are safe)... ignore, ignore. Never ever give them what they want if they are misbehaving - it will just keep them doing it. I ignore tantrums - with Griffin they ended shortly after they started... the twins have tantrums now still, but they are very short b/c they quickly remember that it doesn't work when they see me giving the other kids attention and not them.