My AFI at 34 weeks was an 8. I had a repeat check of the fluid at 36 weeks and it dropped to a 7. My midwife says she will continue to check it and doesn't want it to drop below a 6. I had low AFI with first pregnancy and that was why I was induced, of course FTP after 30+ hours lead to my c/s. Everything so far has been on track for a VBAC.
Has anyone else had low AFI? What was your outcome?
Re: AFI low
When my MW suspected that LO was breech she sent me for an u/s to confirm, and my AFI was 7. They recommended I take it really easy (ie on the couch) for the next 2 days and drink tons of fluids in preparation for a version- 2 days later it was 16. I thought I was going to float away, and was peeing every hour... but it worked. The version was not successful, but I continued with the ridiculous amounts of fluids, and my AFI stayed above 10 until LO was born.
Good luck!
This is a good post to read:
Also, soak in the tub as long as you can stand it on the days you get u/s (like, an hour minimum), and schedule the u/s for later in the day (so you can get hydrated beforehand). Drink tons of water, but also try to drink the electrolyte water or coconut water, bc that'll help more.
I dunno, I'm a BIG skeptic of low AFI if your non-stress test is okay (i.e. baby's doing fine). I came super close to being induced with DS1 bc of low AFI (my MW wanted to induce me there and then - even though I had no signs of progress, until a perinatologist said we were fine to go another day or two without being induced), and I know waaay too many women who were given that as a reason to induce. hth and good luck!!
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)