So I'm really stuck on the name Tucker for this DS. My DS#1 is Tanner. I just keep thinking about all the not so nice words that kids will come up with to rhyme with Tucker. In my heart I don't think I could put him through all the possible name calling, but there's just something about the name I really like. I'm having a hard time finding a replacement! Honest the name Tucker a bad idea?! Other top names on the list are Carter, Hunter, and Nolan...uncommon but don't rhyme with bad words!
Re: Love the name Tucker- is it a bad idea?!
Plus Tucker and Tanner as a sibset
I like all of your other options 100% better!
I agree w/ pp: Tucker/Tanner + naughty rhyme = bad idea.
What about Huckleberry?
Baby Name Popularity by State
THIS. Tanner and Tucker are too rhymie!
Word-for-word. This exactly.
Married since 06/19/2004|Anna born 11/19/2006|Charles born 11/1/11
Double undergrad graduation May 2011| Me: Psychology, DH: Communication| A long journey!
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My best friend's dog is named Tucker. These are the things we call him: Tuck Face, Mother Tucker, Tuck Head, etc.
He's an adorable dog, but it's just too easy to think F*cker when you hear Tucker.
I say spare your son, people suck.
The fact that it rhymes with f*cker as well as part of the definition is enough for me to say no way to using Tucker. I love Carter though.
"A nickname for an individual who tucks his penis between his legs resulting in the appearance of a man-gina."
omg lol
**This just sealed the deal!! Definitely finding a new name! LOL
OMG... dying of laughter!
Who in the world would come up with that?!
I grew up with a Tucker and when we all realized that nickname, we thougt it was funny for about a week, and then we moved on..
I'd go for it.
dislike tucker.
i really like nolan!
my cousin has 2 sons named tucker and tanner. neither bother me, but nms.
i like nolan, but i do know 2 nolan babies. i think it is going to get very popular very fast.
There was a Tucker on the old show Are You Afraid of the Dark?- but I think the teasing could be a big issue.
But really, I do NOT care for Tanner and Tucker together at all- and I usually like rhyming/alliteration/matchy names.
To me, Tucker is just a 'guilty pleasure' name- not one to actually use. Might be a good pet name...
I knew a Tucker growing up, and YES EVERYONE called him Tucker the F*cker.
Besides, Tanner and Tucker do not sound good together.
I LOVE Nolan.