Pre-School and Daycare

Complaining of pain - growth spurt? cry for attention? something else?

DS1 has been complaining a lot recently about pain.  First it was his knee - he would stand and hold onto his knee, crying crying crying "it hurts! it hurts! don't touch it!" but this is sort of out of no where.  DH injured his knee maybe 7-8 months ago but doesn't limp or complain about it. DS1 started complaining about his knee 2 months ago and it's off and on now.

Then it was his stomach that "hurt" - he had some sort of flu 2 wks ago but he's better now.

This morning his neck starting "hurting".  He hasn't stopped holding it all day, hasn't forgotten while playing.  He cries about it a lot, lots of complaining, he's scared to ride in the car because that might make it hurt, etc.

I feel like he must be faking and just wants attention (esp. because of all the attention he got when he had his flu).  But if he really is in pain, I feel like it needs to be checked out.

Any experience with this? I thought maybe his knees were growing pains but you don't get growing pains in your neck, right?  I guess he could have gotten a kink in it in his sleep but the "pain" didn't start until an hour or so after he got up.


Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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Re: Complaining of pain - growth spurt? cry for attention? something else?

  • Hi Janet!!!  How are you???

     Caleb is a big boy, it makes me wonder if it is possibly a painful growth spurt.  I would give your pedi a call just in case.  

     It is hard sometimes.  The twins are teething so Harm is always saying "I hurt" or "I sick" too b/c he loves pain meds.  So when he really is sick sometimes I don't believe him right away Stick out tongue 

    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
  • Hey!!  How are you, Fran?  I never see you on FB anymore (well, very infrequently).  I'm doing well, just very busy as I'm sure you are too.  Between the kids and my Etsy shops, I don't hop over to this site very much anymore. 

    I feel like we're in a very difficult stage with Caleb, behaviorally.  He's very stubborn, needy, whiny, defiant.... everything that brings me right to the edge.  I always doubt when he tells me he's sick or doesn't feel well, because like Harm he loves pain med.  I didn't believe he was sick when he had the flu until he started puking and of course I felt SO horrible for not believing him....

    If he's still saying his neck hurts tomorrow I'll call.  My mind keeps going to crazy places like, 'what if it's meningitis??'  Then I googled symptoms which include flu and cough.... great.  But he doesn't have a fever.  It's not meningitis, right???

    Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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    Mama Jan's Kitchen... a food blog
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