
I'm a hawt mess and it's your fault

You guys are unbelievable!  I got the most wonderful card from KoriBrett today.  The card is beautiful and the gifts... I'm so overwhelmed.  I can't believe how much "e-friends" would give. 
This entire process (Scott's illness and his death) has restored most of my faith in humanity.  The love and support everyone has offered to Kate and I is so incredible.  I wish I could formulate the right words to express what is in my heart. 
The visa cards will be going with Kate and I on our Disney trip.  It sure will make things easier.

Thank you all so much.  You'll never understand just how touched I am. 

Much love ladies!  Much love. 

Re: I'm a hawt mess and it's your fault

  • Disney sounds like the perfect getaway!  You deserve this!

  • YAY so glad you got it and I hope you enjoy every penny. You have amazing strength and I am inspired by you. I have been following your blog for sometime and the love between you and Scott is mind blowing. I hope you both enjoy your time at disney and your starbucks:)
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  • Yes The ladies around these parts are incredible.

    As are you.

  • I hope you have a wonderful time.
  • You're welcome and you deserve it.
    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • You are welcome. Have a great time at Disney. You are still in my thoughts and prayers.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • Your welcome! Enjoy your time in Disney.
    Matt and Krystal 9-18-05
    DD 1/29/07 -

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • You are very welcome! ?Enjoy your trip to Disney!
    Riley born 12/12/05 Malorie born 10/30/06 image
  • Just glad we could do something to help! Hope you guys have a great time at Disney. You deserve it.
  • You truly have changed my life with your blog.  You're totally amazing and I hope Disney is awesome!
    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • Have fun at Disney!
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • You deserve it, lady!

    We are blessed to have you in our community, and lucky to be able to do things like this for one another.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • This post made my day. Glad you got it and hope you and your princess have a fab time.

  • You're very welcome! And very deserving.
    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
  • You're very welcome.  *hugs* and have fun in DizzyWorld :-)
  • You are an amazing woman. I totally teared up reading this.
    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • Yay! We're so thankful for YOU!  Your reminders to love our H's, and enjoy the moments mean so much.  You are one amazing wife and mom. 

    I hope you and Miss Kate love Disney! 

    Hugs to you. 


  • Brandi,

    I am so glad that you and Kate are taking some time to go away and enjoy Disney!

    I have had a very tough start to this year and a few ladies from this board sent me gifts in my time of need and I am so glad I was able to do the same for you.

    Your story has touched me, I have followed your blog for quite some time.

    You are in my thoughts.

    Take Care,


    Reid 9-17-05 Grace 6-2-07 Owen 10-19-11
  • You are very welcome, Brandi.  I think about you and Kate everyday.   I am so glad we could do something special for you both.


    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • You are welcome.  Hope you & Kate enjoy your time in Disney, you both deserve some time away to have fun. 

    You are a strong & amazing woman.  Your blog & love for Scott is so sweet & makes me want to be a better wife to my DH.  Thank you.

  • You are welcome!!  Enjoy the trip with your sweet girl.
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