Cloth Diapering

CDing and day care

We're expecting our first LO in July and would really like to CD, however have run into a lot of resistance with the day cares we looked at (I know there's no state regulations against CD however most places we looked had policies against it "for sanitary reasons").  The day care we're going to use said they would be open to letting us use pocket dipes with disposable inserts, though this seems silly to me because you still have to change the whole diaper in most cases (correct?) and using disposable inserts on a regular basis defeats at least some of the economic and ecological benefits to using CD in the first place! (again please correct me if I'm wrong in this assumption)

Has anyone else run into similar problems with day-cares and were you able to still use CD?  I've already learned a ton just from lurking on this board and would love to hear any tips or suggestions you have on working with your child care providers to help them understand CD are not more difficult, unsanitary, etc than disposables! TIA!

Re: CDing and day care

  • Have you taken in an actual pocket diaper to show the daycares what you are talking about?  Also a lot (not all) of daycare's prefer velcro closures vs. snaps since they are faster and easier to use for a new daycare employee.  I would start by taking them in a diaper (say a BG 4.0 or a Blueberry) for example to show them what you are talking about and also a wet bag to show them how you would keep the diapers from smelling up the daycare. 

    Also mention that you dont expect them to clean off the diapers just to put them in the wetbag and you will take care of the rest at home.  A lot of them picture pins and covers and dunking and scrapping when you say cloth, so if you can show them a velcro closure diaper that is just as easy to use as a disposible that they just put in the wetbag instead of the garbage with no additional work they may be convinced. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker





  • Ditto PP. I would take them a pocket diaper and wet bag and show them what you mean. Most people have an entirely different idea in their head. I explained to my daycare that all they have to do is put the entire diaper into the zippered bag provided, and I would take care of all the cleaning at home. I use FuzziBunz, Thirsties Duo pocket diapers, Charlie Bananas, and Planet Wise wet bags. Once I showed them how it worked, all the ladies at the daycare thought they were the coolest thing, and LO's teacher loves CDing more than sposies now. :)
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  • Have you considered home day-care?  They might be more willing to work with you.  I take care of my DD and one other girl who is also cloth diapered.  Being someone who cloth diapers as well, I was happy to work with the family and actually prefer them to disposables.    
  • imagenumeria11:

    Have you taken in an actual pocket diaper to show the daycares what you are talking about?  Also a lot (not all) of daycare's prefer velcro closures vs. snaps since they are faster and easier to use for a new daycare employee.  I would start by taking them in a diaper (say a BG 4.0 or a Blueberry) for example to show them what you are talking about and also a wet bag to show them how you would keep the diapers from smelling up the daycare. 

    Also mention that you dont expect them to clean off the diapers just to put them in the wetbag and you will take care of the rest at home.  A lot of them picture pins and covers and dunking and scrapping when you say cloth, so if you can show them a velcro closure diaper that is just as easy to use as a disposible that they just put in the wetbag instead of the garbage with no additional work they may be convinced. 


    Exactly this. I brought a diaper with me, told them I didn't expect them to do anything but fold it up (although  asked they not roll the poopy ones, yuck!) and that I'd either provide a wetbag or a pail with a liner, whichever they preferred. No problem, and they wanted just the wetbag so they wouldn't have another trash can to chase babies away from.

    I found that privately owned daycares were more receptive than the big national chains.


  • Pockets with cloth inserts would actually be more work for them.   If there are disposable inserts they'd have to sort the two into seperate containers.  The only stipulation mine made was that I provide a step trash can.  I hung my wet bag inside of the can so I could seal it before putting in my car at the end of the day. 
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thanks for the advice ladies, the woman I talked to may have been thinking there were disposable inserts for pockets, or thinking of more of a hybrid system like the flip.  I'll get a pocket or AIO with a wet bag to bring in for them so they can get an idea of how easy it would be.  I agree that private or home care would probably be more flexible than a national chain, the chains are just much more prevalent in our area than private places and we don't know anyone who runs a home care or uses one to recommend to us that I would feel comfortable with.

     Thanks again for the suggestions!

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