Any tips on how to tell when CD is wet? I started my 21 day CD trial yesterday and I felt like I changed DS way more than often. I had a BG on DS for 45 minutes yesterday and he was on my hip and leaked through onto me. It was really discouraging. Help!
Re: How to tell when CD is wet?
The microfiber inserts that come with bumGenius diapers are useless for my DS...he is such a heavy wetter that we use strictly hemp and bamboo. Microfiber is also notorious for compression leaking since the fluid just squishes out when pressed on whereas hemp and bamboo just hold the fluid and it doesn't squeeze out.
Depending on when my DS last had something to drink, I just stick my finger in the back of the diaper to feel how damp/dry the insert inside is to decide if he needs to be changed. Sometimes it can be 45 minutes, other times 3+ hours.
The longer you use cloth diapers, the more you get a feel for how they work with your child. When I first started, I had similar issues to what you're describing. But now that I've been doing it for almost a year, I have a method!
That's weird. I've never had a BG leak on me during the day. Did you have the big insert stuffed inside the pocket, not the teeny skinny newborn one?
Also, did you prep everything first by washing it?
When you put the diaper on, the elastic around the legs should be snug and when you lift the baby's leg, no gaps should be seen.
My guess is you either had the wrong insert in it or it wasn't put on tight enough around the legs.
But to answer you actual question- I usually can't tell by looking if LO is wet or not. I just change her every 2 hours or whenever she wakes up or if I notice she's pooping.
Yep, definately had the big insert in the pocket and yes we prepped them. It is possible it was too loose around legs. Changing every 2 hours is more what I expected that is why I was so surprised when DS peed on my pants.
Thanks! I am sure I will be updating asking more questions throughout my 21 days.
I don't check my CDs for wetness. One of the best part about CD'ing is that it doesn't matter how many times I change DS a day- I'm not paying more to do it.
I think one of the more nasty concepts that sposies have imposed on the world is that you need to wait to change a wet diaper. I don't need my CDs to hold 2 or 3 pees so that I'm getting my monies worth out of them.
If I think he might be wet, I change him. The only time I don't do this is at night.