
Am I in Labor?

I am 35 weeks 3 days pregnant with twins.

I think I might have lost my mucus plug last week but I haven't been checked by my doctor yet.

I have been having "contractions" for a couple hours now and my back is killing me. I drank some water and lounged on the couch after having the first three but they are fairly consistant still. The only thing that is confusing me is that they don't really hurt all that bad. Maybe about like dull period cramps but my back does seem to hurt more as my belly tightens up. Also they are between one to 3 minutes long. I expected shorter contractions in early labor. Are these just false labor contractions?

I started timing them about an hour ago and I am on my 9th one as I type this.

#1 2:22 min

12:14 min later 2:33 min long

7:38 min later 1:44 min long

5:57 min later 2:58 min long

9:20 min later 3:36 long

6:29 min later 1:30 long

7:43 min later 3:03 min long

4:28 min later 3:10 min long

7:55 min later 1:55 min long

3:16 min later 3:20 min long

so not incredably consistant but what do you think? I don't want to be that first mom that freeks out at every sign of labor.

Re: Am I in Labor?

  • Those a pretty consistent.  I would call in right now and chat with the nurse. 
    Love: 8/2000 | Marriage: 7/2005 | Baby makes three: 3/28/2007 | And one more makes...SIX?
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  • imageMrsAmyB:
    Those a pretty consistent.  I would call in right now and chat with the nurse. 


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  • OMG! I called the doc and waiting for a call back. 3 min apart now but not really hurting that much. 
  • Id get my bag packed while waiting to hear. I didn't feel a contraction until I was 7cm with my son, if it wasnt for a regular scheduled appt I would have never known I was having contractions at all.
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  • wow i dont think im in labor bc mine are irregular and i havent lost mucas plug or  water hasent broke..which is good bc i have to have c section...but the cramps in back and down there hurt like hell...

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