3rd Trimester

Outside Baby Alert!! (drug-free!!)

Well, April Fool's Day was an interesting one for us.  

I started having contractions around midnight and I could NOT sleep so then once they got pretty strong and about 5 minutes apart, I called my nurse.  She said I should probably come in right away... I convinced DH that they were getting serious enough that we needed to go.  We got to the hospital around 4:30am on April 1st and were admitted (1-2 cm) and they just wanted us to walk around.  We walked until around 6:45 and they checked me again and I was already 5-6cm!! They told me to do some MORE walking and come back in at 8 to get checked.  Well, those last few laps around the maternity ward really must have done it because when I went back in I was already 8-9 and had NO time for an epidural... or anything (enter scared face here).  They gave me an IV for fluids and my BP dropped super low and so did the baby's.  Everything came back up after a few times moving around.

My water broke around 10am (DH LOST it. kept saying he wasn't ready for this) and I kept having world-shaking contractions.  My sister showed up and about 10 minutes later I kicked her out of the delivery room and TOLD my doctor that I was pushing.  I couldn't NOT push. (terrifying)  I pushed for 12 minutes and my beautiful daughter, Elliott Janel, was born at 1:02pm.  6lbs 3oz, 20inches long! She didn't breathe right away so that was a little scary but she's been absolutely the most perfect, content baby ever since!!

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