This week DS1 and I played an April Fools joke on DH and told him we were having another baby. Turns out it wasn't a joke at all because later we found we truly are expecting! We feel so blessed, especially considering the heartbreaking journey we had ttc #2. Baby #3 is due in Dec, so we will have 2u2 for awhile and a double stroller will be needed.
Which brand/model do you recommend and what are the pros and cons? TIA!
Re: BFP this week- Turns out we need a double stroller =) Any recommendations?
I've got a Phil & Ted E3 Twin. It's a good stroller, if a little bulky.
Congratulations... I am fond of December babies. I have two of them!!
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I had a Graco. Personally I like the ones that are in a row. More bulky but easier to maneuver IMHO. I had trouble with the side by side one when I would shop in stores etc.
Bst wishes and I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy!
January 2012 Blog
For 2U2 I had a Graco Quattro Duo. I really liked it. It will accept an infant seat in either front or back seat, nice storage, easy to turn, lots of cupholders/snack cups. I just sold this as neither of my twins like the back and they lean over the sides to see.
I've had a Chicco SBS (Ciatta - discontinued). It was an umbrella fold, did it's job. I wasn't crazy about it because it was a little too wide to just cruise thru doorways. I recently sold it as well.
I have a Baby Jogger City Micro now. It's a narrower/basic version of the City Mini (and discontinued - I found it on It's awesome. It would work from about 4 mos and up. The seats have a decent recline, decent sun shades, and the storage is the width of the stroller, not two small baskets like many SBS strollers. I took it to Target a few days ago and it fit just fine thru the clothes areas - something I worried about. I'm seriously in love with this! I can only imagine the City Mini would just be icing on my cake.
I also have a cheaper dbl jogger (Baby Trend Expedition Dbl - also discontinued, I think!). I use this for all our outdoor/grass/gravel stuff). It drives wonderfully from field to field at the ballpark.
I think it's all dependent upon what you plan to do with it. I guess if I had to pick one - I'd go for the City Mini with the carseat adapter (which may irritate the older child - I think it's a little intrusive into the other seat).
Congrats - and GL choosing!
Thanks for the advice and well wishes
We will use the dbl stroller for walks around the neighborhood, shopping trips and other errands.
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005