Cloth Diapering

thinking about switching to all hemp..

So I use BG 4.0 and I currently use both inserts during the day, but I am wondering if it would be trimmer to just use a hemp insert and maybe put the infant microfiber on the top to help quickly absorb the pee.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Also it seems it would be cheaper to just make my hemp inserts, any thoughts on that would also be helpful :)

image Noah Michael, born sleeping 9/29/12 at 19w 3d. We love you forever Little Man! image
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Re: thinking about switching to all hemp..

  • do it! 

    Hemp is great. If it's cheaper to make your own, do that. I was going to but just haven't gotten around to ordering the fabric yet... During the day I sometimes use hemp all on it's lonesome and it's been fine.... absorbs fast enough.... I use the microfiber combo at night though... My LO has turned into a side sleeper and we've been having some issues if it's not combo... and even then...  

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  • I do it. I just use 1 large BabyKicks Joey Bunz hemp insert in my BG 4.0s. I don't use any microfiber at all. That one hemp insert works great!
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