Hi Ladies!
Been thinking about rice cereal for my LO who is 14 weeks and 6 weeks adjusted ...he is constantly eating still (every hour sometimes and not just bc of growth spurts) ...I have had some controversial opinions on this ...doctor says 6 months ...friends and family say now is "ok" to do ...any advice on this? Have any of you tried it this early? I know he is 3 1/2 months but he is only 6 weeks (almost 7 weeks) adjusted. ...any help/advice is welcomed, thanks guys!
Re: Rice Cereal? When?
Way too young. I would wait until at least 4 months adjusted and until baby is showing feeding readiness signs, especially since your pediatrician says to wait. Rice cereal should also never be given in a bottle since it's a choking risk unless specifically warranted for severe reflux.
Babies also generally actually ingest very little solids so the bulk of their filling calories and nutrients, even when they are eating more solids (rice cereal has virtually no nutritional value) comes from breast milk/formula. It's perfectly normal for babies to want to snack during the day in addition to taking larger meals so the fact that he's eating frequently isn't unusual or necessarily concerning.
How much does he eat in total ounces during the day if he's getting formula or breastmilk? How much does he sleep at night?
My doctor told us at our 2 month app to go ahead with the rice cereal and he cautioned us that many people have differing opinions. Our twins were 1 week adjusted then, but we haven't actually tried it yet. But I intend on trying it in the next couple of weeks.
Do what you feel is right, it is your baby. GL
Sounds like his milk intake is on the lower end of average then and he's sleeping a good amount. Until his tummy gets bigger, the more he sleeps generally means the more often he needs to eat during the day. You might want to try offering a 1/2 ounce more during each feeding and see if he stretches a few out a little more. DS came home from the NICU eating ~18 ounces a day and was eating ~24oz a day when he wasn't nursing by 2 months adjusted. If he's formula fed, he might need even more.
Krwys, I am really shocked at your pedi. AAP and every other organization are a little less clear between 4 and 6 months and different pedis and neos differ on whether to wait for actual or adjusted age, but I haven't seen anyone suggest an effectively newborn eat rice cereal unless there's a severe reflux issue. In fact, there have been a number of studies suggesting starting solids too soon leads to an increased risk of obesity. I'm not even sure how you'd feed a 2 month old, even actual, solids. They can't sit and are usually just barely starting to sit in a Bumbo. Unless you're giving it to them in a bottle, it seems virtually impossible and a choking hazard.
BFP(4) DD2 born 2.14.13 @ 35w5d due to pPROM
Yes, I guess I did not clearly state the entire part of my story.
My pedi was suggesting the rice to be mixed in with the milk. (consistancy is like a McD's milkshake he said, lol) Bc my DS had some spitup issues, but is getting much better, which is why I did not start. Also my DS has a great muscle strength even for a full-term 2 month old. He can almost roll totally over and can control his head without bobblibg for extended amounts of time, and can pull his head/chest off the gound slightly from the laying position...So it is partly bc he is pretty active already.
I would not be listening to a pedi who suggests straight rice cereal without mixing it into BM this early in the game. : )
I think the confusion lies in the fact that RC can be used to thicken bm/formula to help with reflux and also used as a first solid food. I don't think any pedi would recommend to start it as a solid food before 4-6 months.
OP - we spoon fed DD milk (pumped bm) for a bit to see if she was ready for it.
BFP(4) DD2 born 2.14.13 @ 35w5d due to pPROM