Two Under 2

Double Umbrella Stroller

As DD is getting bigger and we will probably be getting out more over the summer (and we are moving the the suburbs so we will be driving more places), I feel like I need a double umbrella stroller to keep in the car.  I don't want to spend a million dollars on one (we already have a bumbleride indie twin for our main stroller).

Ideally, I would like a light(ish) one that folds up small.  Also either has an adjustable handle or is tall so we won't kick the back (I am 5'7", DH is 6").

I have been eyeing the Maclaren twin triumph on Albee baby for $189, but just can't decide if it is worth it...any other suggestions, or should I just buy that one?


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Re: Double Umbrella Stroller

  • I'm a huge fan of our Baby Jogger City Mini Double and it's on sale from for $299 right now.

    If that's too much you should consider the City Micro Double which is only $199.

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  • I just got Dream on Me double umbrella.  I like it, it's light enough, has a good amount of storage underneath, dual reclining seats, fits thru doorways, smooth ride, fits easily into my trunk.  I could not find any doubles with adjustable handle height (I'm 5'3" DH is 6'1")  Mainly, I did not want to spend a lot.  I also have a tandem, but it is very heavy and long; and I need to carry it up and down a flight of stairs to our condo, so I wanted light weight and more compact.   As an added bonus when it is folder up it stands upright, so it takes up less space
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  • i have the maclaren twin techno and i love it!!!  serves its purpose...  i also have the maclaren single and love that too.  i'm a fan!
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