
Facebook Group! Updated process..

Okay, so it is getting a little confusing for me to validate membership requests with your screen name, so I am just going to approve all requests.  I don't want people to worry about some wierdo joining our group so I will moderate from the board as best as I can. 

If you already joined and you are NOT okay with that, you can request to leave the group (but please stay!).

YAY!  Post some photos, post a note on the message board, add some new friends to your list. 

Oh, and FB is ADDICTING.  You will lose hours of precious sleep time searching for old friends.  CONSIDER YOURSELVES WARNED HA HA!

 Update!!! As of 6:30 p.m. Eastern time we have 45 members!  YAY!

Here's the link:



Re: Facebook Group! Updated process..

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