Cloth Diapering

Coverless Fitteds?

So at the cloth diaper store the lady mentioned how having my baby in July, I may want to try some fitteds too since you can go coverless at home.  I didn't think to ask until I left but if they aren't waterproof, how do you keep yourself and the baby's stuff (swing, etc.) from getting wet?  Is it a slow enough soak through that it just starts to feel wet and you change it?  TIA!
Praying this little one sticks!
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Re: Coverless Fitteds?

  • To answer your questions... basically, yes :)

    The only time I go coverless with my fitteds is at home.  I also know which fitteds I have are the most absorbant and I'll put those ones on DD when going coverless.  I just check her often for wetness and change her if it's getting close to soaking through to the outside layer.  I never let her nap without a cover because that can be too much time without changing her and run the risk of leak throughs. I hope this answers your questions.

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  • Coverless works great now that DD is mobile. We didn't do fitteds until DD was already crawling but I think some people have issues with non-mobile babies and leaking. Laying on the floor is fine but sitting in the bumbo or swing can cause compression leaks.
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