So I'm interested in getting a couple of both while I build my stash. I know the actual difference between them, and I've seen good reviews for both- but never really comparing the two together.
I'm curious from a user perspective how they compare to each other in absorbency/trimness/fit/ease of use. Would you recommend one more than the other?? (We're looking to do AIO & AI2s exclusively- but trying many brands)
Thanks ladies!!
Re: GroVia AIO vs AI2
The AIO fits trimmer on my DD, is more absorbant, and is easier to use IMO because it is all one piece. I line dry them in our basement so they take quite a while to dry.
I do love the AI2s though because they are easier to bring a whole days worth in the diaper bag. The waterproof backing on the insert is awesome - we can get away using the same shell all day most of the time. The shells air dry super fast and the inserts dry pretty quickly too in the dryer.
I like both a lot. I like to change it up depending on my mood [:) ]The only cons about both are that they aren't stay dry and they stain easily.
i have the ai2's right now, and i've got an aio in the mail today to try out as well, i'm going to add to my stash, so i wanted to see how those work out.
i've heard the aio's are better for overnight than the ai2's, which i'm really curious about because dd hasn't been able to wear the ai2's to sleep for the past couple of months when she all of the sudden became a heavy wetter
Thank you!! This is exactly what I was looking for/wondering about! Out of curiosity- about how long do they take to line dry in your basement (a likely option for me too- at least in the winter). I have no frame of reference for CD dry times lol!
This is without the snap-in booster. With was really not much fluffier!
Oh wow!! That does look trim!! Thanks for the PIP- and omg... your daughter is adorable!!