
sensory seeking behaviors? when to worry?

DS will be 4 in a few days and has always been in the normal range for development, but on the lower end. Speech, motor skills, academics, all fine. My concern is that he has to touch everything, everything! He is very curious, asks what things are and even with an explanation of what it is, what it does, you shouldnt touch it he stills has to touch it. I know kids explore this way, but to me its a little much.

 At what point is it too much? He is a very active child, enjoys a lot of building play, puzzles, blocks etc, but not imaginary play.  I sometimes question ADD or ADHD but at school he sits in circle time, will build a large puzzle on his own so his attention is there. The other thing that is off to me is at bedtime he wont settle, he comes out about a good 20 times before he goes to sleep, like he cannot settle himself down enough to fall asleep.

 Maybe its normal, but I am just wondering if there is something extra I could be doing for him that I am not, to help him get that sensory input but in a different way? tia for any advice!

Re: sensory seeking behaviors? when to worry?

  • Sounds all very normal to me. DD1 is the same way. At bedtime we snuggle her for a bit and rub her back to help her relax and calm down and she listens to music until she falls asleep. She sometimes will read books quietly in her bed and once in a while will come out for a random thing. She used to come out 20 times a night, but we set limits and make sure she has everything she needs before we turn off the lights (water, bathroom, flashlight for reading, lovey etc).

     ETA I just saw that he is not quite 4. DD1 is almost 5 and these behaviors have gotten much better. What you are describing sounds like typical 3-4year old behavior. 


    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
  • Sounds pretty normal to me.  Your son describe mine to a T with the exception of bedtime, he rarely comes out.  DD is very imaginative she can make up a whole story, DS is just more "logical" (into the cause and effect). 
    Cheryl, Evan 4.25.05, Paige 7.2.07
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