Cloth Diapering

Cloth Diapers for sale or trade

I have 6 Kushies diapers that I have to sell. (LO is allergic to the fabric). They have each been worn about 3-4 times at most. I am looking for $9 for the green ones, $8 for the white w/duck print. There is one duck print that has some staining in the center so I would only ask for $5 for that one. The rest are in euc. I have individual pictures of them if you are interested.

Click here for a larger view.  Click here for a larger view.

I have 3 small gdiaper covers (without the liner) $6 each or $15 for all three

 Click here for a larger view. Click here for a larger view. 

 I would also be interested in a trade for diapers that do not have flannel in them.  

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