Cloth Diapering

CD stock - how many??

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I've looked back a few pages and haven't found it.

We're planning on using Fuzzibunz One Size CDs for our LO...about how many should I purchase? I've heard that CDs should get changed every 2 hours, so I was figuring 30 CDs to get us through so I can was them every 2 days. Does this sound right? My local Once Upon a Child consignment shop has Fuzzibunz in stock (!!!) and has them on sale, buy 5, get 1 free, for the next 2 weeks, so I hoping to purchase a good bit by then.

 Thanks so much!!

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Re: CD stock - how many??

  • I would not suggest buying all of one kind. Ever. You have no idea if they will fit your baby correctly or if you will even like them.

    I would buy a few different kinds, test them out when baby gets here, and then decide which ones you should buy more of.

    ETA: I would have more than 30 diapers for a newborn unless you want to launder every day. When my DS was first home, he pooped his pants every time he would fart, so we literally had to change him at least every hour and sometimes more than that.

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  • I agree with PP, you may want to try out a few different kinds. You can always sell off what you don't like or what doesn't fit well. You could buy gently used or use a trial program to try out different types without spending a ton of money. Get some Fuzzibunz since they are on sale, but I wouldn't buy 30 of them right off the bat. 30 is a good starting place though for a stash.
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  • Thank you! I never even thought about "gassy incidents" and will definately keep that in mind. :-)
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  • I agree with the others. The dipes I thought I would like, I didn't. I did Jillians Drawers trial, and I'm very glad I did. I have a long baby and some brands that I've tried just don't work as well. Also, we don't exclusively CD, but if we had, 30 dipes would not have been enough to launder every other day. DD sometimes messed 3 dipes before I could get her off of the changing table!
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  • I really love my FB, they are great diapers. I do agree with the others to not put all your eggs in one basket tho! Also, FB are not great overnight diapers for us at all. Check out the FAQs at the top of the board, they have some great info!
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  • It's amazing how many you can go through when they are NBs.  That's why I supplimented my stash with prefolds.  It turns out they contained the mess the best, but my favorites were my BG xs (for ease of use).  My FB OS still doesn't fit that great even though I really wanted to love it. I would have been infinitely frustrated with CDing if that was the only diaper in my stash.  It is tough not to stock up on the one that you think you'll like, but I've found this advice to be invaluable.  Try a variety in the NB stage so you can figure out what you like for your more permanent stash.  Know that you may change your mind as your kid grows and changes though!
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  • I bought Fuzzibunz OS (about 6 to try) and my LO is 6 weeks and still doesn't fit in them properly so we are using fitteds/prefolds/covers until they finally fit.
  • I wanted to like FB OS and so I purchased a majority of those for my stock...they just didn't work for my son, so I ended up selling all of them off and buying bumGenius (amond other brands) which work way better for us. I would try a few of a different kinds of diapers because you really have to use them to know what will work for you and your child.
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