
Diaper rash from HELL.

Gracie has had an on and off again diaper rash for the past 2 weeks. I have no idea if it's food, diaper, diaper wipe, bath soap or teething related. DH just went to the drug store to buy Bag Balm. I sure hope that helps. Our pedi had us put her on antifungal cream last week for yeast, but it wasn't a yeast infection. Any good ways that you have stopped diaper rash? I have let her air dry, bathe her daily in little soap and lots of warm water, use butt paste on every diaper change and keep her diaper loose. What am I missing? An ER visit?

Re: Diaper rash from HELL.

  • Triple Paste is the only thing that worked with DD. She had a yeast infection once. The only other times she got a horrible diaper rash was teething related. Triple Paste costs way too mch, but it really works wonders. I would also let Rory go nakie for a while. Motrin helped with the swelling and pain also. It had gotten so bad that she would just wimper. Good Luck.
  • A coat of hydrocortisone cream under the diaper rash cream seemed to do the trick for our last really bad rash.  The dr. did mention you don't want to use this for too long (more than a few days), but it worked brilliantly.

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  • Zinc oxide cream cleared up DD's in 2 days.  Good luck!
  • E's had a few where triple paste was the only thing that helped. Could it be something in her diet that's causing it? We realized that E's was from citrus.
  • Triple Paste is the only thing that works for us!
  • Has the diet changed any? Certain food sensitivities can look like diaper rash but aren't.

    I think an ER visit is a little extreme, but you might want to go back to the doc. One thing that helped DS was baths with baking soda and epsom salts in them.

  • I make a mix that works really well. mix a third of each: Zinc oxide, nystatin, and hydrocortisone 10. My mom is a NICU nurse and this is what they use on the babies all the time too.  GL it's so hard to see them in that much pain!
  • We are going through this too.  We tried Lotrimin (wasn't yeast), hydrocortisone (caused her to BLEED), and all the diaper creams on the market, including Triple Paste.  We tried letting it air out, we tried sitting her in baking soda baths.  Literally everything.

    The ONLY thing that worked is something called Butt Balm my pedi had the local apothocary mix up.  It is A&D, nyastin, and a few other ingredients.  It was $45 for a seven day supply, but it seems to be working.  Good luck!!

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