Cloth Diapering

how to prep hemp inserts?

I just got 8 Large Thirsties inserts and 2 SM ones as a gift. I've heard boiling is an option - how do you boil inserts (how long, how much at a time, do you add anything or just use water?) Thanks for your help!
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Re: how to prep hemp inserts?

  • You can boil hemp inserts for 15-20 minutes and then do a hot wash and cold rinse in your washer.  I've heard of people adding a little Dawn to the boiling water to break up the oils, but I don't think it's necessary.  
    Married to my best friend 6/5/10
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    BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
  • I boiled for 20 min and then put them in with my next diaper load. I would do them in batches of 3-4 in a large pot.
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