I forgot what Clomid does to you. I used to have pleanty of EWCM with Femera and a trigger and nothing with Clomid and a Trigger. I know walmart used to sell something, but not anymore.. any lube is okay if its not a Spermicide, right??
Chasing Down Dreams
TTC #1 Since 11/07
BFP: 5/20/11 Ectopic:5/31/11
Re: Does anyone still use Preseed?
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Philo
Baby N conceived after 1 miscarriage and more than 2 years of TTC. Diagnosis was low sperm count. We found success after 3 months of anastrozole to increase DH's testosterone and one IUI.
Some charts
I'm stupid. You're smart. I was wrong. You were right. You're the best. I'm the worst. You're very good-looking. I'm not attractive. - Happy Gilmore
i've also heard you can use egg whites
Some women have had success using real egg white. (Talk to your physician prior to doing this). Sperm can move freely in egg white . If you are going to do this and your doctor okays it, make sure you do the following:
Wash your hands and the egg thoroughly before cracking it open.
Be careful not to get even the tiniest amount of yellow in it.
Use a fresh egg
Place approximately 1/4tsp. of egg white on the tip of the penis.
Another solution is Pro-Seed. This is a Sperm friendly vaginal lubricant that can be ordered from drugstore.com for about $20. It is important that you DO NOT use any other personal lubricant. Most personal lubricants and even saliva can harm
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, It empties today of its strength. ~Corrie ten Boom
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. ~Mary Anne Radmacher (thank you beadinglady)
It's been a long journey. TTC since 9/06. multiple IUI's and IVF's and 4 m/c's. IVF#3 = BFP, twins, induced at 34w6d due to baby b passing away (no explanation). Delivered on 35w1d, Baby A - baby girl, and Baby B - baby boy, our little angel.
MTHFR A1298C & C677T, Immune Issues and Factor II
TTC #1 Since 11/07
BFP: 5/20/11 Ectopic:5/31/11
I gave you life, then you gave me mine.
TTC February 2008 to October 2008 One year forced break due to OIF deployment #2
Resumed TTC in October 2009 HSG, Hysteroscopy, S/A all clear
Five total medicated cycles and IUI #1-3 = BFN and all while we were still "unexplained IF"
25 August Lap revealed Endo, adhesions and blocked left tube
September 2011: Femara + IUI #4 (IUI #1 post endo removal) =BFFN
November: IVF #1: Stims started 11/16 ER 11/25 (7R, 5F) ET 11/30 Transferred 2 beautiful expanding blastocysts +HPT 12/6/11
Beta #1 at 9dp5dt=153! Beta #2 at 16dp5dt= 4009!
Ultrasound 12/30 showed one beautiful heartbeat! EDD 17 August, 2012
Hazel Evelyn arrived 10 August, 2012!
Surprise natural BFP March 2015. M/C at 5 weeks
Another surprise natural BFP April 2015
2/10 & 3/10 Clomid 50mg-BFN
5/10-Lap Surgery for Stage 2 Endo
3/11-IUI#1 with Follistim and Menopur-developed mild OHSS= BFN
6/11-IUI#2 with Follistim -developed moderate OHSS= BFN!
7/11-FSH-11, AMH 1.6
9/11-ttc naturally with positive thoughts
10/6/11-POSITIVE pregnancy test!!! 15dpo BETA-220
6/14/2012- Riley Harper arrived!! We love our little girl
<a href="http://s532.photobucket.com/albums/ee324/exploshidad/?action=view
::: Married June 2003:::

TTC #1 since: Aug. 2008
Me: 34, DOR, MTHFR-A1298C (heterozygous), decreased blood flow to uterus, Mild Endo
DH: 38, Balanced translocation 5&10, unexplained MFI, normal SA and SCSA
Tx History: IUI 1&2= BFN
IVF# 2: cancelled d/t no response
IVF# 3= 1 egg retrieved=immature/not viable
IVF# 4= c/p
Found DHs BT and Me-decreased blood flow to uterus
Recommended DE IVF w/PGD, incorporate electro-acupuncture. Decided to cycle locally
***New RE***
DE IVF# 1(cycle #6) w/pgd, (freeze all): 30R, 23M, 15F, slow/poor embryo development, 4 biopsied, 1 Normal "Norm"; DE IVF w/PGD, incorporate electro-acupuncture.
IVF# 6: (OE/DS) cancelled
IVF# 7: (OE/DS) 1R, 1M, 1F, arrested day 5
Plan-DE IVF# 2 (cycle #8): DE/DS in May 2015