
BFing Questions

Our twis lost a lot of weight in the first few days, so we have been supplementing ever since. We are now alternating babies at each feeding - one bf, and the other ff. They are two weeks now and have gained their weight back so I am hoping to transition to complete breastmilk (either bfing, or bottle feeding). I'm really worried they'll start losing weight or not consistently gain though. So, I have some questions!

About how long do you bf each baby? If you do one at a time, do you put each baby on both sides? Or one side per baby? If you tandem feed, about how long do they bf for? If you alternate between breast and bottle - how often do you pump? Do you pump immediately after a feed? How many ounces of breastmilk do you bottlefeed?Thanks in advance!


Re: BFing Questions

  • I remember how hard it was in the beginning to know if they were eating long enough and getting enough! Our pedi told me that mostly, they would get what they needed in the first 20 minutes, but I would let them go up to 45 sometimes. They would just get so sleepy that it would be hard to get them to eat a lot.  I never let them go more than that, but if they wanted to eat again soon afterwards, I would feed them again. It never really happened though, so I knew they were content. 

    I have always tandem, so I can't answer any questions about one at a time. And as far as how much to put in a bottle...I can't remember what we did in the beginning, but maybe start with 3-4 oz? It might take some trial and error since each baby is different.

    For the first 6 weeks, I always pumped after each feeding and then slowly weaned from that when my supply went crazy!

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  • Thanks for asking the 'good' questions! I was wondering on a few of these as well as I plan on exclusively breastfeeding/pumping once the babies come... I've always had way too much milk so I dont think that will be a problem, I was just concerned more on the logistics :)
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  • I BF until they're done, which is usually about 10 minutes.  I BF on demand, so it's usually about every 2 hours.  It's the same amount of time whether I tandem or not, though sometimes I try to keep my little one on a little longer and hand express while he's nursing, but it's maybe an extra minute.

    I do one side per baby b/c I want to make sure they're not stealing milk from each other, so to speak (I have one very vociferous eater)

    I don't bottle feed.  I havent' been pumping either.  No time!

    You could try putting their formula in a SNS.

  • My girls had to be supplemented in the hospital too due to jaundice and high weight loss they now are EBF. In the beginning I kept each girl on the breast for ~45 minutes and fed them anytime they showed signs of being hungry. Like PP my pedi said they get what they need in 20 minutes but I wanted to be sure especially since they fell asleep a lot during feedings during those early days. Now they finish in about 10 minutes. I only tandem fed so I can't answer bottle questions or single baby feedings. I tried to alternate who got which boob at each feeding in case one breast produced more than another and so the babies wouldn't develop a boob preference. I pumped after every feeding at first to establish my supply. Now I pump maybe once a week for a freezer stash.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I was in your same shoes -- both babies lost more than the 10% of body weight and it also took me about two and a half weeks to get my milk supply up enough to satisfy them.  

    It sounds like you are off to a good start, and one way to ease your worries is to take your babies in for frequent weight checks or buy a baby scale -- I think they are about $50 from Babies R Us.

    They would feed for about 20-30 minutes; however, sometimes they would be on and off for 45 min. to an hour.  I just let them take their time and get acclimated.

    I have been tandem feeding since they were three weeks old.  They stay on one boob and I alternate each feeding.

    Until they were tandem feeding well, I would pump and feed at night, but I will tell you that it's been much easier bf-ing at night.  It was good for me to know how much I was producing -- I kept a log and that helped me to know that they were getting enough milk.  They would eat about 2-3 oz.  Now (at almost 3 mos.) they will eat 4-5 oz. each.

    I pump occasionally if we are planning on going out, and I wait until about an hour after I nurse.  I am nursing every three hours now, so I will try to plan on pumping in between.

    Hope this helps some.  I know it is a difficult time.  You will find what works best for you, and it all gets easier!  :)

    Good Luck!  

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Married 5/24/2003 TTC since 5/2007 IUI #1 10/2008 -- :) M/C 12/08 -- :( IUI #2 3/2009 -- :( IUI #3 6/2009 -- :( IUI #4 7/2009 -- :( IUI #5 9/2009 -- :( IVF 5/2010 -- TWINS!! :)
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