Cloth Diapering

Summer wool shorties?

If you use wool shorties over fitteds do you change the wool every time you change the fitted diaper during the day?

Am I going to need like 6 pairs of shorties a day?

Re: Summer wool shorties?

  • MegaPMegaP member
    Right now I only have two pair and I just alternate during the day.  

    BabyFetus Ticker
    DS1: 10/2005 DS2: 01/2007 DS3: 09/2010
  • I alternate wool covers so they have a chance to dry.  As long as they've dried and weren't pooped on, I'll re-use them the same day.  If you want to use wool frequently, you may want more than two covers because eventually you're going to need to lanolize and they can take a while to dry.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • i only change them if they're damp and i rotate them throughout the day.  some days i'll use 2 pairs, others i can get by with just 1
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