
A poll of sorts - getting rid of the kids' clothes/stuff

How do you get rid of the stuff they've outgrown?  Give away to family/friends?  Goodwill?  If you sell - what is the best option to make some decent $ on the good stuff?  Craigslist, resale shop, rummage sale, eBay?

Trying to find the best solution since I have a TON of stuff.

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Re: A poll of sorts - getting rid of the kids' clothes/stuff

  • My friend's mom owns a second hand retail shop.  I take most to her unless I decide to ebay.  I only hold onto very special outfits.  If it doesn't sale, I give it to friends or take it to Goodwill. 

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  • I gave all DS's baby stuff to someone on the board who adopted.  DD's stuff, I gave to my cousin's little girl.  Since they are older now and tend to wear stuff out a bit more, I save the best for friends, and the rest for Salvation Army, which has a store in my community.  DD's school has a huge clothing and baby/child toy sale, but you have to tag everything and I am not into that.  The tax deduction is worth more to us, even if it is $0.10 on the dollar, if that.
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  • ZenyaZenya member
    I keep DD's stuff for the new baby and donate the rest.
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  • I tend to pass things on to family or friends. If they give it back to me or the sizes don't match up, I sell it on craigslist.  I have had a ton of good luck with that. I sell clothing by the bin(size). HTH!
  • I usually box it and sell it via word of mouth.  I recently unloaded about 300 pcs of 0-12 mos stuff for about $200.  I sort it all out by size, make a list of what there is, and let a few people know/post on FB.  My parents happen to have 4 new babies within about a mile or so of them (in the country), so I've sold it all that way.  

    I've tried consignment before, with little luck.  I always make money, but they are so oddly picky and will separate sets.   I then drop leftovers at Goodwill. 


  • I've given some away and put some on
  • A couple girls on our local board started up a consignment sale and I really like the way they run theirs.  It's very clean, well-organized and they're particular about the toys and gear being in working order and the clothes being stain-free.  I've shopped the sale in years past and decided to consign my boys' stuff there this spring.  It's going on now and I've sold over $400.  I only did a portion of their clothes and shoes since DS2 is still wearing quite a few of DS1's hand-me-downs and they only take spring/summer items at the March sale.

    We have a couple conignment shops in the area, but they don't seem to provide as big of a return as the seasonal sales do.  The trade-off there, though, is that there's no sorting, tagging, hanging involved.  It's a simple drop-off.

    I have several more totes packed full that I'll consign at the August sale.  I'll probably get rid of DD's outgrown clothes and baby gear then, too.

  • If you want to take the time to do the consignment thing, there is a consignment sale in MKE in a few weeks.  There is also one in Waukesha I think in May.  Its called Just Between Friends.  I consigned with them last fall and made a few hundred bucks pretty easily.  (you make I think 60% or 65% of what sells, and you can earn an extra 5% by volunteering).  I think its definitely worth it.

    I have taken stuff to New To You Kids too, less work on your part, but I wasn't too impressed with the $$ I got for my stuff.  


  • I ebay almost everything.

    Stuff that is too big/heavy I craigslist.

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I sell the good stuff at a resale shop.  I save the other stuff (not a name brand, maybe has a little wear) for a friend's grandkids.  I wish I had a close friend or sibling with kids younger than mine to give stuff to, but I don't.
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • Goodwill....I can't be bothered with selling it.
    Stay at Home Mama to 3 Beautiful Children by the miracles of Birth & Adoption
  • CLothes - I either save and hand down to a friend or some stuff I am saving in case either of my SIL's have girls.  Stuff that I know they would not want, I give to Goodwill as a donation.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • Most of the clothes we get are HMD, so I take the nicest of what's outgrown and hand them down. The items that are still in okay shape, but not great, go to Goodwill.
  • I'm part of a small trade circle with my 2 neices and 1 friend.  We all have boys who are 1 year apart in age.  In January, I get a tub from my neice in Florida (whose DS just turned 5), I pull out all the stuff that is still in good condition and throw out the rest.  Then I pack up the tub with DS's stuff from the previous year, including the new clothes we purchased, and ship the tub off to my friend who has a boy turning 3 in April.   It'll work out great if DC2 is a boy, as I'll then get the baby clothes tubs back and the cycle can start again with all of our 2nd children :)


    David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11
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