How do you get rid of the stuff they've outgrown? Give away to family/friends? Goodwill? If you sell - what is the best option to make some decent $ on the good stuff? Craigslist, resale shop, rummage sale, eBay?
Trying to find the best solution since I have a TON of stuff.
Re: A poll of sorts - getting rid of the kids' clothes/stuff
I usually box it and sell it via word of mouth. I recently unloaded about 300 pcs of 0-12 mos stuff for about $200. I sort it all out by size, make a list of what there is, and let a few people know/post on FB. My parents happen to have 4 new babies within about a mile or so of them (in the country), so I've sold it all that way.
I've tried consignment before, with little luck. I always make money, but they are so oddly picky and will separate sets. I then drop leftovers at Goodwill.
A couple girls on our local board started up a consignment sale and I really like the way they run theirs. It's very clean, well-organized and they're particular about the toys and gear being in working order and the clothes being stain-free. I've shopped the sale in years past and decided to consign my boys' stuff there this spring. It's going on now and I've sold over $400. I only did a portion of their clothes and shoes since DS2 is still wearing quite a few of DS1's hand-me-downs and they only take spring/summer items at the March sale.
We have a couple conignment shops in the area, but they don't seem to provide as big of a return as the seasonal sales do. The trade-off there, though, is that there's no sorting, tagging, hanging involved. It's a simple drop-off.
I have several more totes packed full that I'll consign at the August sale. I'll probably get rid of DD's outgrown clothes and baby gear then, too.
If you want to take the time to do the consignment thing, there is a consignment sale in MKE in a few weeks. There is also one in Waukesha I think in May. Its called Just Between Friends. I consigned with them last fall and made a few hundred bucks pretty easily. (you make I think 60% or 65% of what sells, and you can earn an extra 5% by volunteering). I think its definitely worth it.
I have taken stuff to New To You Kids too, less work on your part, but I wasn't too impressed with the $$ I got for my stuff.
I ebay almost everything.
Stuff that is too big/heavy I craigslist.