
Why all the love for those GoGo things?

Maybe I'm just missing something, but wouldn't it be cheaper, an equally "un" messy to just give kids fruit? Are they really that awesome? I don't know, maybe it is my cheapness talking here, but I can buy 5lbs of apples for $3, and a dollar a pop for only 3.2oz of product seems a little crazy to me.




Oh my god, when did I turn into THAT mom? LOL

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Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
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Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45

Re: Why all the love for those GoGo things?

  • We get them for 50 cents a pop. They are a fun treat, but we still do regular apples just as much. 
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  • I always brought them along for Maile. They sold them at Starbucks (some still do) and I'd get her one when I was getting the older 2 a chocolate milk. I rarely buy them now that they're all older, but we bought them as treats when they were younger. They're perfect for eating as you do your grocery shopping :)
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  • I am having a hard time getting DS to eat lunch at preschool. He has had them once or twice as a treat and devoured them.

    I would also like to keep a few in the car for emergency snacks. My kids invariably start screaming that they are hungry the minute we leave to go somewhere. It's better than stopping at McDonald's or something.

    And I am super cheap, hence the post asking where I could get them for less.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • I bring fruit for my 5 year old, but it's great for my almost 1 year old (who needs to be able to eat something independently and mostly non-messily) in the gym daycare.
    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • We just got some for .50 a piece the other day. I normally don't buy them unless it's a treat or for a long road trip. They are good in the car and since my kids rarely get them, it is a fun treat for them.
  • I took them to a wedding/church events for L to eat in the pew. :)
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • For everyday, no. But for on-the-go meals or car trips, they're convenient, not messy, and feel like a treat to DD.
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  • I only use them for school lunches.  DS can't open regular applesauce by himself, but he can open those so he doesn't have to ask for help.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
  • No refridgeration needed.
  • I love them because they are an easy, no-mess, convenient snack that is so healthy.  hahaha---that sounded like such a tv commercial ;)  But seriously, they are awesome.  Our walmart has a brand of them called "Buddy Fruits" and my kids love them.  They are $.88 each.  I usually buy 8 for the week and when they're gone, they're gone until the next week!  It's a lot to spend but if they will eat it, I don't mind.  THey've both gotten pretty picky lately.
  • My dd (almost 2) is at the age where she wants EVERYTHING her brother has. So if he has applesauce or yogurt, she wants it too and it ends up in a disgusting mess everywhere. Same with an apple or banana. She'll drop it, mash it, put it in her hair, etc.

    The pouches are great. No mess, easy to eat. I don't care how much they cost, if it prevents a mess, I'll buy them.

  • Fresh fruit is great, and we go through a TON of it.  But I can stash these in the car along with the individual packs of milk and have a snack for the boy anywhere, anytime.  Fresh fruit would eventually go bad and have to be replaced more often, not to mention often need refrigeration.  

    And Sam is not so good with eating whole fruit w/o my slicing it up (apples or pears) so applesauce is a much easier snack option b/c of that too.  And he can eat this type in his carseat, the regular spoon fed type not so much.


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