
Going away for Christmas?

How do you feel about going away for xmas? It is just the 4 of us at Christmas now as my parents stopped coming home for xmas (they are snowbirds). We have a change to exchange our timeshare for xmas week (Dec 24-31). It is in a mountain town, 20 mins from a good family ski hill, and 5 mins from the hot springs.

I am not sure if it'll be sad to go away for xmas, to spend it in a condo, or if it'll be special, since it's only the 4 of us anyway.



Re: Going away for Christmas?

  • We spent it in Hawaii once and it was definitely different but nice too.  I was a little sad to be away from my family but we called and talked to everyone!  My oldest was only 14 mos so she didn't know the difference.

    We did see people showing up with decorations, trees and full bellman carts of wrapped gifts to celebrate in their hotel!

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