
How was your MS with multiples?

I am a mess right now.  Can barely function the nausea literally wakes me up in the middle of the night.  Been trying sea bands/ginger/crackers/sour candies and I'm still five shades of green. 

I was very nauseous with my DS but this just seems exponentially worse.  I'm wondering if it could be the extra hormones from two babies or maybe I'm just lucky, lol.

Re: How was your MS with multiples?

  • I was sick from around 7 weeks to 21 weeks.  I would usually just throw up breakfast and then be OK.  Occasionally I would get sick in the middle of the night though.  I don't have anything to compare it to.  I sucked on jolly ranchers all day long.  I'm surprised my teeth didn't rot. 
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  • I had really bad MS with my singleton and ended up taking Zofran, which made a huge difference.  As long as I took one each morning and didn't go too long between meals/snacks, I was okay.

    With the triplets, my MS was 3 times worse.  Zofran helped me to not puke all the time but I still felt sick.  My MFM and nurse said that it was from the extra hormones.

    If you are too sick to eat, ask your doctor about Zofran.  I know how bad it can be - I hope you find relief soon. 

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  • I've seen this post a bunch of times on here and a lot of women will respond that they didn't have any or it was very short-lived. You'll be happy to see those.

    Unfortunately, I was sick from 5-11 weeks, throwing up 7 - 8 times a day. Then it went away until 16-18 weeks but wasn't nearly as bad, just once or twice a day. Now, I'm back to keeping food down again. I still have really strong aversions but it's getting better. Hang in there.

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  • I only survived thanks to Zofran!  I took it at least 2x a day my entire pregnancy.  Yup even took it the morning I had the girls cause I was still throwing up at 38 weeks!
  • With both pregnancies I have been very, very nauseous. But last time I only threw up ince at 13 weeks, and this time not at all yet. My OB is very generous with Zofran prescriptions. Thank Goodness!!!!


  • With DD I was siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick til at least 16wks. I was taking 4mg of Zofran every 6-8hrs, but every 4 if needed.

    It didn't take away the upset stomach, but it helped keep food down.

    This pregnancy I'm taking 8mg of Zofran every 6hrs, and Phenegran, and B6 and sea bands and I have only thrown up once ::knocks on wood::

    THe double dose of Zofran is keeping things down... but I look like a land-lover lost at sea Ick!

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  • With my singleton pregnancy, I had very mild sickness.  This time around with twins, it's been pretty bad.  There have been a handful of days in the past 2 weeks where I wasn't able to get off the couch.  Moving would send me into full blown vomiting.  As would food, water, or any strong smell.

    I've had a good day today and feel like a different person.  Hopefully it continues.

    DS 12/09, Twins EDD 11/11
  • i hardly had any MS with my singleton... it was worse with the twins- but still not bad.... so if it's that bad - talk to your doc. they can give you meds to help if it's that bad.
  • I threw up with my oldest and had iv's a few times.  With my twins I puked from week 7 to the night AFTER I delivered at 32 weeks 4 days.  I had a zofran pump, reglan, pepcid, home iv's and lost 20 pounds.  With my youngest I puked from week 8 to week 26, lost 30 pounds, had a zofran pump, pepcid, hospital iv's.  It was way worse with Chris than with the twins.
  • I was lucky compared to most of the PP.  I was sick from weeks 6-9.  Week 9 was terrible, but then all of a sudden the MS stopped.  I still had some food aversions that lasted for maybe another week or two, but I was done being sick as soon as week 10 rolled around.  Good luck!  Hope you feel better soon.  
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  • I was sick everyday from about 7 weeks til 14 and then randomly throughout the rest of pregnancy.  When I went into labor I puked with every other contraction- it was a terrible time. 
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  • It's def. extra hormones...or so I was told .   I threw up at night for about 4 months. Never did miss work from it. It kept my wt. gain to 24# total and Mon. is the birth.

    I also had zofran and highly rec. it  :)

     Feel better.....(((HUGS)))

  • I didn't know I was having multiples until 12 weeks.  But, I was green with nausea pretty much all the time.  With my singleton, I barely had anything.
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  • Non-existent.  Sorry!
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  • Thanks ladies. I have a call into my RE because everyday feels like an eternity right now.  Thanks for the advice and sympathy!
  • Sorry your feeling so sick.  Exhausted can't even describe how tired I was the first few weeks. I would be in bed, sound alseep at 7pm. I remember week 8 being by far the worst for MS.  I lived off saltines and grilled cheese sandwiches. Those were the only things I could stomach.  By week 11...I was fine. No nausea, and the exhaustion was gone.  So, hopefully the 2nd trimester will bring you some new found energy.  I got a lot of sympathy bc I was carrying twins, but honestly....I felt great for most of the pregnancy.  It got tough to sleep around 6 months because I was pretty big, and uncomfortable. Other than that....I was feeling great up until the last couple weeks. Good luck and hope you geel better soon!
  • I was green about half the day with my son, and I told my husband the other day:  where I was sick half a day from 5w-14w with him, I'm sick half a day per baby this time.  Started with just nausea at 6w1d and within 2 weeks I was puking every other day.  2 weeks ago I had a 3-day reprieve and thought YAY I'm getting out of the bad part.  WRONG!  It was the calm before the storm.  Since then I have puked at least once a day with yesterday being the only exception (already lost it today).  I really really hope only 1-2 more weeks of this.  Need to keep the food down and fatten these little boogers up!

    See if your doc can get you some Phengren or Zofran....

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  • My MS started at 6wk1d and lasted until 11wks. I threw up 5-6 times a day and couldn't seem to keep anything down! I finally figured out that it was worse when I would get really hungry. I tried to eat VERY small meals (think yogurt and a string-cheese stick or a peanut-butter sandwich) about every 2 hrs, and that helped some. Gatorade and Ensure were my best friends for those few wks, but I still lost about 10 lbs. Good luck!! It sucks for a couple months, but it'll be over soon!

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