I got a sample of Burt's Bees Diaper Ointment. I know that some diaper creams are not good for CD.
Has anyone used it? Any issues with it being irritating? Is it ok for CD?
Our son died at 16weeks 6days on September 22, 2010
The greatest thing you?ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return" ~ Moulin Rouge
My Blog
Thanks maybe I'll pass it on to someone who doesn't us CD
Our son died at 16weeks 6days on September 22, 2010
The greatest thing you?ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return" ~ Moulin Rouge
My Blog
I received some Burt's Bees as a gift and used it on DD while she was mostly in pre-folds (100% cotton) and had no problems. From what I understand natural fibers are less negatively affected by more traditional diaper rash creams/ointments. Here's a helpful link:
Re: is this safe for CD
I received some Burt's Bees as a gift and used it on DD while she was mostly in pre-folds (100% cotton) and had no problems. From what I understand natural fibers are less negatively affected by more traditional diaper rash creams/ointments. Here's a helpful link:
We've been using Grandma El's with natural and synthetic fibers for about 2-3 months now and haven't had a problem yet.