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Thanks so much!! 2 embies snuggled in tight - a 'grade A' 7-cell and a 6-cell with minimal fragmentation. Both considered 'top grade' by our doc.
Hoping they settle in for a looooooooooong 9 months, and that I can participate in what I hope is a RASH of BFP's for the board.
...And now it's time to make the most of this bed rest!
Re: Good Luck NiddyDiddy!
Thanks so much!! 2 embies snuggled in tight - a 'grade A' 7-cell and a 6-cell with minimal fragmentation. Both considered 'top grade' by our doc.
Hoping they settle in for a looooooooooong 9 months, and that I can participate in what I hope is a RASH of BFP's for the board.
...And now it's time to make the most of this bed rest!
DX: Unexplained; DH: 4% morph / Me: no issues found
4 failed IUIs -a potpourri of clomid, bravelle, menopur
IVF #1 March 2011 - BFP / Missed m/c 8w1d
IVF #2 January 2012 - BFN
FET #1 - BFP!
Expecting a Christmas Miracle!