Please post updates below. Please include any upcoming big appt.?s like betas and IUI?s, ER?s or ET?s and FET's. Feel free to include any events you want some GL vibes for. Check-ins will be on Mondays & Thursdays.
WELCOME to? huskerbaby
GOOD LUCK & PPV to ? wewannababy (when?s beta?)
BIG ((((Hugs)))) to 07may07 (beta hell), Bella2u07 (c/p), gidge (cancelled cycle),
QOTD: HELP!!!! Please PM me or post some ??s you would like to ask the group. It?s hard to come up with questions all the time
What crazy fads were popular when you were a teenager? Did you get sucked into them?
*NestingAway* - DH varicocele surgery coming up
07may07 ? IVF#4, BFP, in beta hell
1RisingSun?on a break
Abbe17 ? IVF#2 BFN
Anasara ? IVF in June
bbakersgirl75- IVF#2,starting BCP
Bella2u07 ? IVF 1.2, c/p
bmbeck6614 (Manda)?IVF #2 BFFN, On a Break
Bradbride -
Bridetobein05 ? BFN
Butterfly843? looking into adoption
Catery18 ? on break trying to get healthy before next cycle
Cheryl1972 - IVF
cmwbobo (Colleen)-onto IVF #4, started stims
danni225 ? on break
Echloe ? FET BFP
Edwina.McDunnough ? IVF#4
Fthtrstnpxiedst (Brandi) ? surprise BFP
gidge ?IVF, stimming
Ginger71 ? looking into DE
Harley12 ?FET
hillaree ?IVF#4 w/ frozen eggss
hollymichael ? chose a donor, April cycle!
hoping4more ? on break, licensed for foster care, matched
hopkintonbride- IVF#1 in process
huskerbaby ? IVF#3 in summer
Imanurse03 ? chose an egg donor
jackiemac824 ? FET
Jannasmith ? OHSS ET cancelled
jenbabe ?IVF#2
jenyodi ? 2ww IVF#2
jlcrane78 ? IVF w/PGD in July
JnJ62406 -
ked1068 (Kristen) ? DE FET in April 4/8, patches
kekis ?
KissyFaceKate ? meeting w/ new Dr. 4/4
Koyn ? looking into DE
lmhsju ? m/c after break BFP
Liturgicalgirl (Kathleen)?
lmu2005 (Leslie)?cycling unmedicated
Luvie13 ? IVF #2
Madelyn07 ? on break until June/July
MarriedaSportsNut ? deciding next steps
militarywife2b? foster program/domestic adoption, IUI w/ Injectibles
missred75 ? next steps
mjm579 ? IUI 2ww
Mrs.CMX ? consulting with new RE?s
Mrs.P7/15/06 ? IVF coming up
Mrs.Voz ? IVF w/ current clinic w/ diff RE
patchen30 ? FET BFP
PoeticJustice ? IVF#3 in Summer
psychmusetls ? 6 month break
rachael07.07.07 ? deciding next steps
roxydaisy (Tricia)? IVF #1, c/p
Saratogabride08 ? IVF
schlud01 - IUI
scooterq ? IVF 2ww
so1966?Adoption ? matched!
Stace26 (Stacey)?IVF #2 on stims
steveandkim2 ? FET, BFP
sweetdahlia ? hema appt 4/12
sweetky_06 ? getting 2nd opinion 2/3
Sunshine05 ? femara and TI, BFP
theworms--- FET, on lupron
trippleb ? IVF#2 c/p
wewannababy ? IVF#4 2ww
BFPs or Adoptions!:
katerena ? IVF #2 BFP
cbubbles2 ? IVF#2 BFP
Amers8301 ? BFP, twins
Romeo&Denise ? BFP
Tarahville/BathinginBitter (Tarah) ? BFP
sun,moon&stars ? DE IVF BFP
lmc5004 ? FET BFP
rachel06 ? FET BFP!!
katieranck2202 (Katie) ?brought home a little guy
AuburnBride06 ? it?s a boy!!!
K827- BFP!!
Miesl ? BFP!! Twins
svp1537 ? BFP!! It?s Twins!
flutterby918 ? break cycle BFP
justsayjo ? it?s a girl
miamicubajam ?IVF BFP ? twins!
MontyMrs ? BFP! Boy X3
chaucer ? IVF ? BFP!
Merrymarissa ? break cycle BFP ? It?s a girl!
Newsbaby ?IVF#4 boy/girl twins
4510Heather- IVF#1, twins
juliannat- IVF w/DE,boy/girl twins
MrsAMR ? boy/girl twins have arrived
Lovemymonkey (Rose)? Surprise BFP ? it?s a girl
Kiki11 ? mom to baby boy
m&m2006?IVF#7 baby girl is here J
DMD1029 ? BFP!
DrLoretta ? brought home baby girl
PeachyKate (Kate) ? mom to baby boy
smeyer (Shannon) ? Boy/Girl Twins
BRSaugust20 (Beth) ? Mom to baby boy
smilee- Mom to baby boy
LNLE ? Mom to Trips
igh0318 (Kim) ? mom to baby boy
Kimberic (Kim) ?Twin Girls J
Tryingtogetpregnant (Jenny) ? mom to baby boy
PreheatetOven ? Boy/Girl Twins
kristinamh6 (Kristy) ? mom to baby girl
cjsbdl (Charla)
MonkeysGirl05 (Sam)
t.bird (Trina)
duke'sgirl (Rebekah)
Mrs. Babbsy- ID twin girls
Cndalessandro (Cassie)
JamaicaMon (Ashley)
Honeygram (Michelle)
If you are thinking about asking to join this group?please read:
This is an Advanced TTTC group those who have been trying 3+ years and/or have multiple failed IUI?s /IVFs, etc. I just ask that everyone please use good judgment when asking to other words, if you are still in the IUI stage or have been on this journey less than two years, this is probably not the group for you. If you are interested in joining please PM me.
There is no doubt that this whole TTTC process is painful, but I also do believe that there is a very special kind of support that this specific group can offer to each other, and it is intended as a "safe haven" for those of us who are in that bottom 1% of the bottom 1%.
Thank you!
Re: Advanced TTTC check-in
WELCOME to? huskerbaby
GOOD LUCK & PPV to ? wewannababy (when?s beta?)
BIG ((((Hugs)))) to 07may07 (beta hell), Bella2u07 (c/p), gidge (cancelled cycle)
QOTD: Hmmm...I really can't think of any right now!
Update: I have an u/s today w/ the OB...I am SO nervous...
TTC in 2008. Stage II/III endo, Hashimotos hypothyroid, low morph (3%).
2 cycles Clomid/Ovidrel/TI/Crinone=BFN.
IUI #1 - 4 Follistim/Ovidrel/IUI/Crinone = BFN.
IVF #1 - Antagonist w/ ICSI 4/10. 17 retrieved, 5DT of 2, BFN
IVF #2 - Long Lupron w/ ICSI 6/10. 15 retrieved, 3DT of 2, BFFN!!
Lap 7/21/10
IVF #3 - Clomid/Antagonist w/ ICSI 10/10. 14 retreived, 3DT of 3, BFP 10/20 but m/c. No HB 11/15/10 - D&C 11/17/10.
FET - 2 blasts, 1 survived the thaw. Transfer 2/19. Beta #1 3/1 375, Beta #2 3/3 885, Beta #3 3/8 4261, Beta #4 3/11 9005. U/S 3/8 1 sac 1 yolk, U/S 3/16 1 heartbeat 114bpm!
James born Oct. 24th 2011 via c-section at 38 weeks!
Surprise BFP - Jack born April 28, 2013 via VBAC after PTL at 33 1/2 weeks!
Welcome huskerbaby
GL wewannababy
((HUGS)) may, bella and gidge
update - started lupron and dex for FET at end of the month
OTWD: hmmm, i was a teenager in the late 80's, early 90's so yes, i rocked some big hair, lots of make-up and strange fashion choices
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, It empties today of its strength. ~Corrie ten Boom
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. ~Mary Anne Radmacher (thank you beadinglady)
It's been a long journey. TTC since 9/06. multiple IUI's and IVF's and 4 m/c's. IVF#3 = BFP, twins, induced at 34w6d due to baby b passing away (no explanation). Delivered on 35w1d, Baby A - baby girl, and Baby B - baby boy, our little angel.
MTHFR A1298C & C677T, Immune Issues and Factor II
Welcome huskerbaby!
Good luck to wewannababy!
Big hugs to 07may07, Bella2u07 & gidge
Update: Nothing
QOTD: I really wasn't a fadish teenager. Actually other then the neon and the big hair I couldn't even think of anything fadish from the 80's. I ended up having to google a list. From the list, the only thing I participated in was wearing my collar up and occassionally something neon, like a sweatshirt. This isn't necessarily a fad but Guess jeans came out while I was in high school and I remember saving up for a pair because they ran about $50. That's when you only made $2.95 and hour at min. wage.
Dx MFI, AMA, Endo, AMH .16
Lap 10/09 Removed endometrioma, stage IV endo and adhesions
Lap 2/10 Endometrioma cysts & adhesions returned.
Ivf #1 4/10 Antagonist, ET Cancelled.
IVF #2 2/11 A/ACP+E2V C/P
IVF #3 6/11 Letrozole/Antagonist BFN
IVF #4 11/11 Low stim Antagonist BFN
Lap 3/12 Lap & Selective HSG
Many cycles of Letrozole and LP HCG w/TI and LDN
IVF #5 8/12 Low stim BFN
IUI #1 10/12 BFN br> S&PAIFW
First of all, welcome huskerbaby; GL to wewannababy; and ((HUGS)) to 07may07, Bella2u07 and gidge.
Update: April is bitter sweet for me. It marks the 4 years DH and I have been TTC. DH and I have been through acupuncture, supplements, surgeries, IUIs, IVFs and nothing...I'm 39 and never been pregnant.ever. So, we are trying to wrap our brains aound DE but neither of us are there yet so...I am in limbo.
QOTD: Since most of my teens were in the 80s (but technically early 90s) I consider myself a child of the 80s so the biggest fad I participated in would probably be the big hair. My parents have my senior picture on their mantle and my bangs look crazy! Oh, and we also did this thing with our jeans - we kind of folded them over then cuffed them, if that makes since. Wow saying that out louds sounds kind of weird. LOL! Goodness I am getting old!
Moving forward with Adoption 2017!
WELCOME huskerbaby
GOOD LUCK & PPV wewannababy
BIG ((((Hugs)))) to 07may07, Bella2u07, and gidge
QOTD: I was a girl of the 90's...pegged jeans, wearing multiple push-down socks, listening to NKOTB, and used LOTS of hairspray for the winged effect. I think those were definitely fads of the '90s!
Update: On day one billion of Lupron and estrogen patches...okay, maybe not a billion but it feels like it! On day four of estrace. Hoping and praying that Monday's u/s brings great news about my lining and that our ET can happen 4/8.
3 IUI's, 2 IVF's , 1 FET , 1 IVF w/ Gestational Carrier, and 1 FET using adopted embryo's = ALL BFNs
We are adopting!
WELCOME to? huskerbaby
GOOD LUCK & PPV to ? wewannababy (when?s beta?)
BIG ((((Hugs)))) to 07may07 (beta hell), Bella2u07 (c/p), gidge (cancelled cycle),
QOTD: HELP!!!! Please PM me or post some ??s you would like to ask the group. It?s hard to come up with questions all the time
What crazy fads were popular when you were a teenager? Did you get sucked into them? Hmm...I guess baggy jeans were in, I never wore them though. The musical group Hanson was huge...I never really liked them though. I'm not really one for fads..
TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs
Welcome huskerbaby!
Good luck to wewannababy!
Big hugs to 07may07, Bella2u07 & gidge
Update: starting lupron tomorrow!
QOTW: I graduated H.S. in 1989 so I was definitely an 80's girl. My hair was huge and frequently was put up in a banana clip or a big, giant bow. If it was down, I would spray hairspray around my hairline so it went back in little wings on the side. Do you remember that look? I also wore all my clothes really big. What was that all about? My jeans had zippers and were tight, tight around my ankles. Shoulder pads and collars turned up. I think I wore penny loafers a lot, with an actual penny in the slot! It was bad, bad fashion.
Welcome huskerbaby
GL wewannababy
((HUGS)) may and bella
update: Called to schedule our WTF but can't get in for 2 weeks I was kind of hoping we could do it before my bday so that we'd at least have some information to come up with a new plan. I really wish there had been some way to know that my eggs are as bad as they are earlier. We spent so much time waiting for me to be ok with ds and it ended up not mattering at all. DH wanted to do 1/2 ds for our IVF last spring and I couldn't do it yet
QOTD: I was young-ish in the 80's but my sister is 10 years older, so I picked up a lot.
LA gear high tops with the double layer socks (different colors but both flourecent)
pegged pant legs, jeans with pleats, running tight style plans (i had a pair where one leg was black and the other was hot pink with black polka dots )
the shirt clippy thing, or knotting my shirt/tying shirt tails, shoulder pads
side ponytail, side ponytail with a barret that had the shoelaces on it (did that catch on anywhere else?), banana clips
In junior high I rocked the body suit with baggy jeans, oversized flannel shirts, oversized t-shirts
I'm sure there are more horrors that I'm not thinking about
WELCOME to? huskerbaby
GOOD LUCK & PPV to? wewannababy (when?s beta?)
BIG ((((Hugs)))) to 07may07 (beta hell), Bella2u07 (c/p), gidge (cancelled cycle),
Thanks girls for all the PPV's and good luck! My beta isn't actually till Monday 4/4 -- 15dp3dt -- it's just pure evil to make someone wait that long for their beta, but they won't bring you in over the weekend for a beta and won't do it before the equivalent of 17dpo.
I'm keeping everything crossed for a high beta number on Monday!
GL to all the ER, ET, monitoring appointments, betas etc!
HUGS to 07may07 -- hope your little one keeps fighting!! HUGS to Bella and gidge!!!
GL to all this week!!
We're going to see a new RE specialist on Tuesday. I have a friend who goes to him and she's already told him about me, she said to expect the VIP treatment. He says the pressure is on now because now he owes her two positive pregnancy calls! Love this guy already and haven't even met him yet! Wish me luck, we SO need it...turning 39 in a few weeks and my clock is ticking...:(
QOTW: Wow I got sucked into a lot of fads! Big hair, pegged pants, neon, collar up, at one time leg warmers, but I think I was still in middle school...