December 2010 Moms

BF babies .. How many oz at day care?

BF moms .. How many oz does your LO take at day care?

Anyone have a LO that goes on an eating strike while they are away? A is at her in-home sitter from 7:30 - 1:00 and sometimes doesn't eat until after my husband picks her up and takes her home. She eats no problem for him but for some reason she's holds out for the sitter. I don't know if she's still adjusting to the new situation and environment and will come around eventually or if she doesn't like the new sitter.

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Re: BF babies .. How many oz at day care?

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    Oliver is a chow hound...he holds his own bottle now...mostly I think so no one takes it away from him before he is done.  I usually send 4 4-5oz bottles to cover my work day 7:30am-4:30pm...I feed him before we leave the house 6:15am and again when I get home at 5:30pm.  He usually only takes 3 bottles while I am gone during the day, but he nurses all night long (like almost every hour) until bed time. 
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    Oliver is a chow hound...he holds his own bottle now...mostly I think so no one takes it away from him before he is done.  I usually send 4 4-5oz bottles to cover my work day 7:30am-4:30pm...I feed him before we leave the house 6:15am and again when I get home at 5:30pm.  He usually only takes 3 bottles while I am gone during the day, but he nurses all night long (like almost every hour) until bed time. 

    Ava does that too. She also started waking up again in the middle of the night to nurse. She was sleeping pretty good before I went back to work.

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    Oliver is a chow hound...he holds his own bottle now...mostly I think so no one takes it away from him before he is done.  I usually send 4 4-5oz bottles to cover my work day 7:30am-4:30pm...I feed him before we leave the house 6:15am and again when I get home at 5:30pm.  He usually only takes 3 bottles while I am gone during the day, but he nurses all night long (like almost every hour) until bed time. 

    Ava does that too. She also started waking up again in the middle of the night to nurse. She was sleeping pretty good before I went back to work.

    Replace he with she and we have the same child.  Not sure why but I think maybe he is feeling insecure about his mama being around.  I know that in addition to being at work 4 days a week, when I am home I am not as attentive to him as I was when I was on leave.  I spend a lot more time running around trying to get everything together and running errands than I do just sitting and holding/playing with my baby...I am sure that has something to do with it too = (

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    B generally takes 4 4-oz bottles between 7:30 and 5/5:30.

    I nurse him before we leave and a couple times after we get home.

    He's never held out on anyone.  I think he doesn't much care who feeds him.

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    My sister had this exact same problem with my niece - who's now 18 months.  She would nurse in the morning, take a bottle from her daddy, and then only eat maybe once at daycare and then nurse like crazy on my sister when she got home.  I'm pretty sure my sister said that eventually she started to take more at daycare, but not as much as if she was with my sister or BIL during the entire day.  My sister did mention that once she started to wean from the boob, she was a lot better - but she wasn't weaned until about 12 months old!

    I have the opposite problem as you.  Lulu will eat all the time at daycare and then not want anything to do with me at night.  So, I've had to send 5 three ounce bottles.  (I was sending 4 five ounce bottles.)  Since I've been doing that, she'll nurse at home, which I'm thankful for.

    Good luck trying to figure things out!

    Oh wow, that is just like us. I wasn't too concerned about it until I heard that yesterday she cried for a while but refused to eat. Her sitter said she was fussy for a good 2 hours until my husband went to get her but my H said she was giggly and happy for him. I'm OK with her being happy and not eating but crying and refusing to eat is upsetting to me. I'll see how her weight is when we go for her 4 month appt. I wonder if she would do better with taking BM from a sippy cup in a couple of months..

    It's crazy how different babies can be. I'm glad Lulu is getting better at nursing with you at night! 

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    25 oz. seems to be the norm for us, but it ranges between 19 and up to 33. (Can we say growth spurt? LOL)
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    I feed Charlie at 6:30am before he leaves with DH and send him with three, 5 ounce bottles. When DH picks him up at 3pm, he's usually only had 2 of the bottles and DH feeds him the third between 3pm and 5pm when I get home.

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    DS is with a sitter for about 6 hrs a day, so he gets 2 bottles during that time. They are 4 oz each. He is still getting used to taking a bottle from a sitter, so yes, sometimes he doesn't eat as much. If he cries a lot trying to get him to take the bottle, he usually  tires himself out & falls back to sleep- so he'll end up eating a lot later. Yesterday was the best he's been, so I'm hoping it'll continue to get better for him. This is our 2nd week with a sitter.

    And like others, when I do nurse DS, he really lingers now. I have to unlatch him most times b/c he just doesn't want to let go. I agree with PP that said it's a security he's trying to make the session last as long as possible b/c he doesn't know when the next will be! Poor little man.

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    And like others, when I do nurse DS, he really lingers now. I have to unlatch him most times b/c he just doesn't want to let go. I agree with PP that said it's a security he's trying to make the session last as long as possible b/c he doesn't know when the next will be! Poor little man.

    Aww, man.  Now that you ladies wrote it, I'm realizing LO does the same thing!  This makes me sad =(  This was my first week back at work and he's been doing this at night.

    To answer the original question, LO stays at home with my mom right now and he's been going through about four 4 oz bottles while I'm gone.  I'm gone for about 11 hours (very very sad).  I feed him before I get ready in the morning and as soon as I get home too.

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    3 4oz bottles (so 12oz); I drop off at 7 and pick up at 4
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    He is at the sitters from 7:30 to 3:30.  He gets 2 7 ounce bottles.
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