
My miracle babies are here! (XP)

My amazing miracles were born last Friday, March 25, at only 24w1d and after a crazy rollercoaster ride of pre-term labor.

I was admitted to the hospital on Monday, March 14 at only 22w5d for a funneling cervix and contractions 8 minutes apart. (I think I updated yall breifly about that?) I was put on hopital bedrest, given 72 hours of Indocin and a continuous IV of magnesium sulfate and things seemed to calm down. After six uneventful days, I woke up early Sunday morning when I felt a gush of fluid, which turned out to be my bloody show and a leak on Baby A's water bag. I was rushed to a delivery room where they checked and told me that I was fully dialted and effaced.

Luckily, my doctor was AMAZING and did a Hail Mary attempt at stopping my contractions with a huge push of the mag and another round of Indocin which, combined with lots and lots of prayers, worked! Unfortunately I was still dialated and now had a baby with a ruptured bag, so they put me on total bedrest in the Trendelenburg position and we all crossed our fingers that I could make it to the "viability mark" of 24 weeks. Baby A's fluid levels decreased at first but then thankfully leveled out, though I continued to bleed and have frequent but irregular contractions.

I was able to hold off for 6 more days like that, putting me at 24w1d, when my contractions picked back up and the doctors decided that it was go-time. I was able to deliver vaginally and naturally, though it was rushed and stressful because both babies were butt-first breech. My doctor was, again, INCREDIBLE, and the NICU team was awesome as well and everything went as smooth as we could have hoped.

Audrey Kateri was born at 12:02pm, weighing in at 1lb5oz and 12.25 inches, and her brother Grayson Robert followed 2 minutes later, born at 12:04pm, weighing 1lb8oz and measuring 12.5 inches. Both babies came out crying and kicking and were the teeniest, most beautiful things I have ever seen.

Our NICU stay has been blessedly uneventful so far and I have been, for the most part, incredibly pleased with the doctors and nurses. I know we have a long long LONG road ahead of us but I'm cautiously optimistic and trying to take it one day at a time. We need lots and lots of prayers from here on out!

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Re: My miracle babies are here! (XP)

  • Congrats-  hope your NICU continues to be uneventful, sending thoughts and prayers your way :)
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  • Your sweet babies are definitely fighters. Congrats!
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  • Congratulations!  I hope they continue to grow strong and have uneventful NICU stays.
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  • What an incredible story, congratulations on your beautiful family!  Sending lots of thoughts and prayers your way for a smooth NICU stay.
    bfp 5/17/09 - missed m/c 6/17/09 @ 9w - stopped growing 6w 1d, D&C 6/19/09
    BFP #2 10/13/2009 on our 2nd Wedding Anniversary
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    Delivered on 5/19/2010 at 34 weeks due to pre-e and HELLP syndrome
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  • What a journey you and your babes have been on already. I hope they stay strong and have an uneventful NICU stay. Congrats on your twins!
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  • Congrats! they  are beautiful! thanks for sharing your story. Sending many good thoughts and prayers your way!
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  • Congrats!  Good job on holding them until the 24 week mark.  I wish you and your LO all the best!
  • Wow- what an amazing story!


    Here comes Baby #3! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Congratulations Mama!  Keeping you and your beautiful babies in my T&Ps as they continue to grow strong!
    BFP July 09 - m/c Aug 09
    BFP Nov 09 - c/p Dec 09
    BFP Dec 09 - A&J born in August 2010 at 37w, 6d
    BFP Sept 11 - ectopic pregnancy/left tube removed
    BFP April 12 - E born December 2012 at 39w, 1d

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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  • Your story makes me want to cry, that is amazing!  So glad you had what sounds like a great team of doctors.  I hope their NICU stay continues to be uneventful and that they're home with you as soon as possible.  Remember to take care of yourself too, NICU stays are rough on everyone!

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  • Congrats on keeping them in as long as you did, and I wish you all the best of luck!
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  • congrats! what beautiful little babies you have!!!
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  • Congrats and lots of T&P for you!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • congratulations!  your doctor sounds amazing...and I hope your LO's have an uneventful NICU stay and are home with you before you know it...
  • They are beautiful.  Sending prayers for uneventful NICU stay and the babies coming home as soon as possible.  Congratulations!

  • cadencaden member
    Ditto everyone on praying for an uneventful NICU stay. Congrats x2 momma!!!
  • What an amazing job holding them in until the viability date. Best wishes for your fighting babies to stay strong and healthy and have an uneventful NICU stay.
  • Congrats.  I hope your babies continue to stay strong
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  • Congratulations and Good luck to you and your babies!
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  • What a strong Mommy and what fighters your two LOs are! You and your babies will be in my T&Ps. Wishing them a quick and unventful stay in the NICU.


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  • Oh my goodness what a scary journey!  Will pray for both of your beautiful babies to grow fast and healthy!!
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  • Wow! I think that we can all find a little hope from your two beauties! Good luck with everything! 
  • Congrats on the birth of your babies.  Lots of T&P's during your NICU stay
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  • Awww, congrats!  Hopefully things continue to go smooth.  I agree about taking care of yourself too.
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  • Congrats on your babies - they sound like fighters and I hope that their NICU stay continues to be uneventful.

  • Aw, congratulations! May your NICU journey be as painless as possible. Lots of prayers your way for your sweet babies! And, I love their names! Kateri is a name I've loved ever since I was a kid and read it in a saint's book, but have never seen it used. It's perfect for your miracle girl :)
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    Mom to Megan(5), Bridget(4), Tessa and Annie (2) and Mary (brand new)

  • Congrats!! Love the names!

    You and your medical team did an amazing job keeping them in those extra weeks. It sounds like your little ones are fighters too. Hope their NICU stay is short and boring!

  • wow! you and your babies are in my thoughts and prayers!!
  • Congratulations!  I hope your babies grow big and strong and their NICU stay is uneventful.
  • Congrats those are some good weights for being so early. If you have time hope on over to the preemies board there are some really wonderful people over there and I know there is aleast one person that had a baby born at 24 weeks. Good Luck with everything.

    image Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Congratulations and lots of prayers for your NICU journey.
    Mom to six awesome kids - Levi is 12, Landen is 8, Gabrielle is 6, Lucas is 3, and Oliver and Samuel are 2 years old. Love my crew. Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Congrats!! They are beautiful.  T&P to you and your babies.
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  • It's amazing you hung on when fully dialated. Your dr. sounds awesome. Congrats on your little bundles. I will def. pray for health and continued growth and development.



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