I am home with my 4 day old son and they did not give him a pacifier in the hospital because he is being breastfed. My DS took one from day one (although he never loved it and stopped around 3 months old on his own and was fine). He never had nipple confusion. I want to do what is right..but already I think DS#2 is using me as a pacifier. He wants to 'eat' every hour or so but will suck for less than 5 minutes and then fall asleep. Then, if I try to put him down, he wakes up and wants to 'eat' again. I know it's only been a few days - but the nights are miserable. I am thinking of trying a pacifier with him tonight to see if it helps at all despite what I've heard about waiting a few weeks until they are better at breastfeeding. What is your take on it?
Re: WDYT: Breastfeeding and pacifiers?
Has your milk come in? That would be the first milestone I would make sure you hit before offering ds a paci. If not, he could be trying to tell your milk to come in.
The only thing I was always afraid of was offering a paci during growth spurts, but if you are aware of not doing that, then you should be ok. We waited to give dd a paci until she was about a month old, and she never liked it. She's also not a thumb sucker, but she did nurse for comfort for a while.
my read shelf:
I gave my dd a paci from day one and she had no problems with nipple confusion and she bf like a pro. Good luck and Congrats!
I gave both the girls pacis in the hospital on the first night. DD#1 was EBF through a year and DD#2 is working towards a year as well. I don't see any problems with that. That said, DD#1 especially BF 45 minutes out of every two hours for the first two weeks I think. DD#1 kept her paci until 15 months and I half wished I'd kept it until 18 months because she started sucking/chewing on her hand for a while before giving that up too. I'm not in as much of a rush to get rid of it with DD#2.
Has your milk come in yet? If it has, try to wake him up and get him to BF for at least 20 minutes on one side straight. That will fill up his belly. He may just be eating a tiny bit and then falling asleep. You might have to wake him to eat. Otherwise, personally I never had any problems using a paci to extend the time between feedings to closer to 2-3 hours rather than an hour.
If your milk hasn't come in yet, though, I recommend letting him stay on the boob as much as he'd like. That will get your milk to come in better and sooner.