
Food intolerance question...

So DS has the occasional army green bowel movement. Actually it is usually just a bit of green in the normal yellow. Today he had 3 green diapers, and obvious discomfort a good bit of the day.

The only thing I can thing of that I had "all day" was 1/2 hot chocolate 1/2 coffee from Tim Horton's... 

The only other thing I think that might have caused the other issues was pizza/ spaghetti. 

Since this is so limited as an issue I don't want to cut out all dairy (not that I eat a lot)...

Could coffee be causing the reaction? Is it maybe the higher dairy content in the HC? And what is the likelihood that he also has an issue with something in pasta sauce?

- the bms would correspond with 24 hours from these food intakes?

Any thoughts?

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Re: Food intolerance question...

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    Thanks... he is nursing more, and since my supply regulated he is taking both breasts more often... so certainly could be getting a higher amount of foremilk. Not sure if that will continue or if it is a growth spurt thing.

    Should I be worried about a small amount of green? It didn't cause him the same discomfort as the all day of today.

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